Anonymous ID: 25e2c3 Oct. 21, 2023, noon No.19776999   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun   >>7033



They are supposed to represent us , not control us.


Ukfag here ( no homo )


I write to my local councillor who supposed to represent us, a letter saying I want brexit done and why isnโ€™t she doing what the people want.


I got a official headed letter from her via the Houses of Parliament,


It said that she felt my frustration but was voting against brexit ( which 99% of my her constituents wanted )


Because she thought that she had to follow her heart and vote against it .


FOLLOW HER HEART ? She represents us the traitor bitch.


Iโ€™ve got the letter tucked away somewhere, was a few years ago but will upload if I find it.


It just shows how corrupt the system is , and we are a sanctuary city ( when did that happen) joke governments.