This cunt is dangerous. Look how far Bernie got with his commie bullshit. Would have run against trump if he wasn't cheated. And he did it as a spittling, unkempt septuagenarian. She is young, reasonably attractive, smart, and comes straight from hell. She is just like Castro. And she will be around long after Trump is gone.
Im just saying. Cant count on a meteorite. The old democrat party is dead. Unbridled communism will be the opposition of the future. If the current cabal is defeated. You don't need child sacrificing Satanists to sway morons who want free shit.
Hope you're right. Sometimes its the ones that come from behind that end up fucking you up. Sure there is plenty to worry about defeating our current enemies, but no harm in occasionally putting an eye on the future once Trump is behind us. Evil will still exist, and it will be personified by ever evolving enemies.
Ok. Lets just ignore her then, and every other potential threat that isn't an immediate problem. We have Trump now. Part of what Trump and Q are doing is to try to wake up the sheep and make us thinking, acting men again. It is foolish and weak to trust that other powers will save us forever. Trump was a God send. The people of the world have suffered a hell of a lot and usually they die before a Trump comes along to save them. He wont be here forever and we need to take responsibility as active citizens to ensure this type of individual and her ideology doesn't reestablish a foothold in this country in ten years.
Exactly. She is dangerous in the same way Obama was. Remember at his inception? People dismissed him the same way. She isn't an immediate threat but to dismiss her is stupid. She has star power.
He also said June ETA for Seth Rich. Im still here, but yeah. Blind faith and blindness to reality is stupid. We need to hold Trump accountable for what he promises here, if he is indeed behind this.
And faggots like this that refuse to even address the completely factual points raised do nothing but degrade the credibility of the board.
Exactly. But if the emotional investment that Q has built since November never achieves payoff, it will do a lot to gut the enthusiasm of the movement. It already has for some.