This crazy nut named Hal Turner has posted Q's crumb from earlier today and is using it to manifest some kind of revolution of genocide of the left.
Extreme nut, I would say is working for the clowns by trying to come off as some conservative MAGA supporter.
Heres an excerpt and a likely tactic we will be seeing from the deep state as the days move forward:
Read this Q Carefully. Whomever is against it, is not with us, either by stupidity or by evil intent . . . there is no in-between anymore
Hal Turner Commentary:
All of you already know how this ends. We didn't seek this. We didn't ask for this. The coming end has been thrust upon us. Oh well, it is what it is.
The simple fact is that the entities who have been usurping us, manipulating us, deceiving us, are not going to stop unless they ARE stopped. And that, dear friends, is where we are right now.
We are faced with the very real fact of having to directly stop them. Physically.
I hope you are ready to do what must be done.
You see, these people are, in every real sense, a cancer. A social, cultural, and political cancer.
When you have cancer, you don't negotiate with it. You don't peacefully co-exist with it.
Either YOU kill it, or IT kills you.
That's where we are as a nation today. We have social, cultural, and political cancer and we have to kill it.
If we fail to do so, then this cancer will kill us. Kill our America.
. . . Not on my watch.
Here's another ridiculous claim he is making on his site. :FEMA ORDERS 2500 GALLONS OF HYDROGEN CYANIDE FROM BRAZIL; Purge of Liberals Soon