the next person to win just has to say i promise not to change anything or fuck anything up >>1978060
we need to find out who the republican running against her is and turn him into a meme rockstar, she will fail, the left aint got dank memes>>1978115
I wonder if these kik fucks are going to crash the market monday to freak out all the normies that can't live 1 day without a cheese burger, looking at the "fake" market and the fluctuating bit coin.. it was manipulated way down now its climbing fast, the world banks are being called out as we speak and they are claiming the same assets the smaller banks are claiming, long story short no money and the world banks just normally takes there ball and goes home leaving all small banks to crash and burn and the people to starve so the global slave banks can come in and save the day for pennies on the dollar because they stole all the money, and it looks like there using bitcoin this time, if i sound stupid or I'm wrong please correct me , I'm not a bank fag but from what I do understand and the position of the cabals ass at this time, it might be there only card left, I hope Q gives us a notice but he might not be able to, love you fags (not homo)