lol oi where is the stream lol
every one of them that has a sunday school
AFLB we go way back, I was pastebinanon when spreadsheetanon was doing his thing and you were doing yours. luov ya bro, but yo always were a little bit of a loose cannon, doing your own thing.
Now the stakes are too high for that.This is not about any one person, and it sure isn't about you, bro. I know it feels like it is. But its not. and all you are doing now is keeping the pot stirred. You can not keep stirring the pot, and if you keep the pot stirred then we know where you are on the equation.
So try to settle down and take a deep breath. Take some time off. then come back and get to work.
of course. most people are good but are enslaved or blackmailed. Ill bet damn sure Alec Baldwin is sick to death of playing trump on SNL but (((they))) shove the script at him and make him dance.
Look what happened to roseanne.
And this is also true for congress. Nobody wants suicided. WE have to lead the charge and grow this movement enough for them to be brave. We can hide behind (relative) anonymity. THEY CANNOT.
they have to hide behind us.
another me would have said 'so handy for trannies to always clean up after themselves'. Now I know they have had their minds broken. ESPECIALLY THIS ONE.
And flynt. Imagine what Larry flynt did to his kid to make him like that.