Make Bread Great Again and keep it BV drama free anons
"A Department of Energy memo first obtained by Bloomberg details the Trump administration’s plan to subsidize struggling coal and nuclear plants. The justification is that a lack of reliability in the electric grid represents a threat to national security. It’s not clear what action the administration has taken on the draft memo, but if implemented, the measure would allow the Energy Department to activate wartime powers under the Defense Production of Act of 1950, enacted in response to the Korean War."
"Invoking wartime powers to prop up struggling energy sources is a remarkable step for the administration to take. The Defense Production Act is intended to give the executive branch sweeping powers to nationalize industries that are vital to national security or for dealing with natural disasters. It was first invoked by former President Harry Truman in 1952 to nationalize the steel sector during the Korean War, in an attempt to pre-empt a nationwide strike by the United Steelworkers of America and prove to the nation that he wasn’t “soft on communism.” (The Supreme Court later decided that Truman didn’t have the authority to seize private property, as the war in Korea had never been formally declared.)"
Any anons think POTUS will nationalize our energy resources?
As dumb as normies are, they won't buy what this cunt is selling if they're actually educated on the realities of socialism in the 20th century.
Let's hope if Q testifies in Washington it doesnt last for 400 pages like Galt
This is why we are still here, pushing for the truth, to honor patriots like Green and others who have given their lives in this war.
Not some anons baby, no offense to babies.
>UNLESS Q and Anons win this fight
I don't think it will ever come to this, anon.
If this plan fails, Mattis won't.
So is POTUS going to Kenya soon, because it sounds like Hussein is.