So they brought in Flynn to help fill the missing A.I. gap yeah? You would know since you're Mike Flynn, right?
She's HIV positive
^ Mike Flynn
Song for Mike Flynn
Mike, why did you say Q messed up the world, when you know Damn well, it's Sin which messed up the world?
Bread sans babylonian pole whores.
is that rightโฆ so pedos aren't sinning? OK HRC. stay in this bread, witch.
Hey George. Don't you have some shekels to collect from Mike Flynn?
Anon, satire is what? and it's good for what? OK.
If the incessant dayshift Flynnfagging would stop, perhaps folks wouldn't assume he was such a cucked up loser?
Bye, Flynn
I think simple is best. We don't know shit unless it's proven to be the case. Flynn proved he's a paytriot. That's all anyone needs to know. You can call it Q-team but that's all it'll be, you calling it that.
What is left to discern from his statement about Q Great Awakening movement? If you have an honest answer, this anon will honestly discern.
He might be making decent money now that they taught him how to glow?
Flynn gonna lock this bread soon?
>>19781120 other bread
>'prepare to deploy'
Reminds me of Julian's warning Nov 30, 2017.
Wondering now if time to revisit the emails.
HRC email dump contains these words, this many times:
Gaza = 346
Palestine = 258
Bibi = 222
Gaza + Bibl = 17 instances together in Clinton emails, like this beauty:
To H: fyi, leaked Luntz poll on Bibi policies; and many congrats to Huma!
Were these witches plotting back then for HRC's big WW3 end game Agenda2023? Those witches wouldn't do that would they?
Burn the witch.
Nice Skull and Bones, faggot comped fake baker. This is why notables aren't.
Alert. Glownigger Baker has failed to change IP addresses and has mistakenly posted under Baker ID throughout "ghosted" bread. DUMB.
Case Number: 3:95-mc-00470
Case Name: USA v. Stollenwerk
Case Number: 1:91-cr-01030
Case Name: United States v. Stollenwerck
Case Number: 1:16-po-05009
Case Name: United States v. Stollenwerk
Case Number: 3:92-cr-00306
Case Name: United States v. STOLLENWERCK
Case Number: 2:05-cr-00460
Case Name: United States v. Stollenwerck
Case Number: 2:17-cr-00244
Case Name: United States v. Stollenwerck
can find here -
POTUS has done this before with STOLLEN (and) RIGGED AND STOLLEN
May 05, 2019 (deleted)
"Despite the tremendous success that I have had as President, including perhaps the greatest ECONOMY and most successful first two years of any President in history, they have stollen two years of my (our) Presidency (Collusion Delusion) that we will never be able to get backโฆ.."
Also, pics attached:
June 19, 2022 "RIGGED AND STOLLEN" (later corrected)
>gay pic overlay courtesy of snopes
May 5, 2019 "STOLLEN"
>>19362361 - 08/15/23 (Tue) 08:34:41 (this was a comment to Fake Q asking how anon likes the world being destroyed because of "Q Larp" and sounds similar to what the POTUS Truthed):
The destruction against the people is a distraction from the systematic dismantling of the deep state trying to save itself.
Now everything, INCLUDING proof 2020 election was rigged and stollen, is getting introduced into court.
60 court cases, Trump won 2, lost 1, and 57 were dismissed for lack of standing as all 57 plaintiffs were not Trump.
Flood incoming.
Shame on the liars panicking on QR projecting their own shame.
pic for deleted 5/5/19 "stollen"
Andrew Torba
Andrew Torba made GAB AI. Yes, AI as in Artificial Intelligence. He began his career by making bots. And you love it here dontcha, Andrew? Having fun scrambling to piece together some damage control? I bet it's real fun for you right now under the gun like that. But thanks for not fagging your GAB shite all over the board since you got busy with your new project here.
Sometimes the bread is moldy. And jew know it. During those times we are bound to point out that fact. Unlike clowns.
She has a lot of names but it's Ishtar.
kek do you remember this guy? member the fun we had making him the center of DARK GAB? what a TOOL.
#DarkGab KEKS of hopes hashtag survived.
Andrew isn't smart enough to A.I. a fix for this board. Neither is his wife. The dark usurpers are stuck with the nightmare they created when they woke up the giant known as "Comped". That 3-year delta? Running scared kek. Enjoy the show!
Does that make it one (me), three OURS and three extra Ls?