THE STATE OF ISRAEL Company number OE027515
Correspondence address
2 Palace Green, London, United Kingdom, W8 4QB
Company status - Registered
Company type - Overseas entity
Registered on - 23 February 2023
Annual statement
First statement date 22 February 2024 due by 7 March 2024
Company details in the country of incorporation
Overseas entity address
2 Palace Green, London, United Kingdom, W8 4QB
Incorporated in - ISRAEL
Legal form - State
Governing law - Israel
Beneficial Owners
1 active beneficial owner / 1 active statement
Statement ACTIVE
All beneficial owners have been identified and all required information can be provided
Notified on 23 February 2023
The Knesset ACTIVE
Correspondence address
The Knesset, Kiryat Ben-Gurion, Jerusalem, Israel, 9195016
Principal office address
The Knesset, Kiryat Ben-Gurion, Jerusalem, Israel, 9195016
Notified on
14 April 1948
Governing law - Israel
Legal form - Government
Nature of control - Has significant influence or control
Below From PDF -
Anti Money Laundering Number: [NA]
Name Of Person With Overall Responsibility: ALEXANDER TRAGER-LEWIS
Supervisory Body: Agent's Name: Agent's Address: SOLICITORS REGULATION AUTHORITY CH HAUSMANN & CO
England W1W 6XD
Beneficial Owner Statement:
The entity has identified one or more registrable beneficial owners and that it has no reasonable cause to believe there are others, and that the entity is able to provide the required information about each registrable beneficial owner it has identified.
Why Was The THE STATE OF I5R43L Registered On UK Companies House On Feb 23, 2023?
SGAnon also breaks this down with Speculation
"State of Israel" Dissolution | Trump 2024 Trials 'Historic' | Nuclear Scare "Last Ditch" | WWG1WGA
SGAnon Breaks it Down… He believes it was known and Part of a Plan to take down them all
Breaking: You can now sue the mRNA COVID vaccine manufacturers for damages and the FDA is required to take the COVID vaccines off the market. Why?
Adulteration. The plasmid bioactive contaminant sequences were NOT pointed out to the regulatory authorities. It's considered adulteration.
The FDA is now at a crossroads. Either they admit that they knew about the plasma contamination, and failed to disclose that to the public and to the outside committees, or they can claim that they didn’t know about it in which case Pfizer is liable. But we have the Pfizer documents that were given to the FDA so we know what the FDA got. And I seriously doubt there’s any disclosure of SV40 contamination. That means we have an adulterated vaccine and the FDA has to remove it from the market until the adulteration is fixed. If the FDA doesn’t do that, they should face criminal prosecution for endangering the public, and not following the law.
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An Admission of Epic Proportions’: Health Canada Confirms DNA Plasmid Contamination of COVID Vaccines