the reason they are skeered is because of Donald Trump's support, they fact they've been caught "red-handed" and their cases against DJT are transparent BS
the reason they are skeered is because of Donald Trump's MASSIVE supportl; the fact they've been caught "red-handed" and that their cases against DJT are transparent BS
"We go back a long way, she was 12 and I was 30"
That happened a lot? in the Victorian Age;
Think Lewis Carroll?
It was even in books for girls "Marry your Uncle - who gets your family out of penury" was the story line.
"Conflict of Interest"
She already represented Flynn
In the real world people pay attention to these things (as opposed to the fascist Dems - who use the same crooked attourneys over and over again, and in fact place them as spokespersons in the corrupt Propoganda Media organs)
It's assumed there are enough honest lawyers extant, that a person wouldn't need to double-up with one that was hired for a similar case. And wouldn't do so in order to avoid the appearance of crookedness.
The Fascist Dems have thrown away "appearances"
On the contrary it's a GREAT vid.
ad is not "bizarre"
That's a mischaracterization.
They do that all the time about anything DJT does;
Notice the source
should NOT be NOTABLE without a "CAVEATE Emptor"
"Jake Sullivan" "We Did It"
How many Judges are in the line-of-fire for treason charges?
Is this dude's father "Judge Sullivan" one of them?
anybody got an mp4 of it
can't get it off TS for some reason
is it in his Media tab?
have to agree there.
Part of infantalizing males.
"ew. hair. "
baby shit. Kept the males infants who cringe at public hair.
Normal if you're below 14 or 15 years of age.
looks Egyptian
2- faced Administration of the Public (i.e. domination) is "Roman"
Wonder what's really buried under the Vatican?
Remains of Roman "Caesars" , psychotic dictators.
All the Jew-hate is a misdirection from the forces / clans / who killed King [j]Isus?
JANUS JANUARY used to be the 11th month, 'til the Calendar was changed?
He's got the KEY - like the Vatican and the Rooster - symbol of the dude who allegedly betrayed the King Saint Teacher?
Dude wants to throw away the vote.
Still thinks it's valid.
Probably took the clot-shot too
When is your booster due, fool?
"Do what thou Wilt is the Whole of the Law"
Rule of 'the Jungle'
"Might Makes Right"
Traditional Rule of Law destroyed.
Dictators get their way.
That's "freedom" in the Devil's followers opinion.
Pity for them . Devil worshippers are demons;
Karmas end up bad for them.
Ask the Axis. "He knows Everything"