and u guys thought u had family problems..
meber kids, always wear protection … u never know when ur head is going to end up
do not engage in w/ the crazies, they want to draw u in, ITS NOT A DEBATE THEY WANT WITH U. U AREN'T GOING TO EDU ANY1 THERE.
do not get separated from the crowd.. if u organizing a protest/march make sure u have walkie talkies… have a your best leaders in the FRONT & BACK
MAKE sure you get the SLOWEST ppl behind the leaders.. they will keep the pace.. of the slow ppl r in tbe back, the group will separate. [if u cant DO this, then make sure the ppl who are walking w/ u dont get a head of u. WHEN U STOP - THEY STOP. If u cant do THAT, THEN DONT LEAD A CROWD. You will ENDANGER YOURSELF & THEM.
MAKE sure who u pick to be in the back WILL NOT DESERT ur ppl.
DO NOT, I REPEAT … DO NOT CHASE 1 SCRAWNY terrorist. u dont know where his buddies ARE!!!
these ARE SOROS paid. SOME of these guys ArE DEEP STATE … they will try to get YOU TO ENGAGE & FIGHT.. they WANT PPL TO MAD & PICK SIDES… dont make YOURSELF FAMOUS by being the scapegoat!!!!!
if u go to one of these events, FUKN PAIR UP. GET AT least 2-3 Buddies who will rescue ur ass or who YOU will rescue incase u get separated & there is no law enforcement. REMEMBER, they check all org. for weapons, but NOT THE PPL WHO OPPOSE U.
& always, if possible - walk way, dont engage… its a fight they want. We will always look like the bad guys.
isnt something going to happen that day..
i thought there's an event… cant remember if it was good/bad though