I need more of these
I have a hard time thinking all of Israel are in on the plot. When you or others speak of international Jewry is there some organization or group that would be able to bring down to fix the problem? What institutions and resources do they use for their deeds? Is it central banks? Gold? Oil?
I think this is what Trump and Q will get at. There are good and evil in all organizations with power and probably all people with money and power. If you take away their tools, institutions and resources they cannot be powerful anymore.
I think saving Israel for last means they will try to get peace agreement with Israel and the Arab and Muslim world. Hopefully before then, all central banks will be controlled by the ethnic people of the nations and not by international centralized bankers. And hopefully a vast majority of powerful people doing evil in the world will be dead or in jail.
But Israel will likely be left in tact, hopefully with less criminal people running the country like here.
Is it true they gave them the land in return for getting USA in WW1 to help stomp the Germans?