We The People are the LIGHT, We are the TRUTH, We are the MAJORITY
Q in fact referenced the POTUS Schedule account regarding "Castle"
Pack it up and move along clown
The problem is only yours
The rest of us get it
You also apparently are unable to read
Q posted the POTUS Schedule link
Going after the POTUS Schedule account has been the new shill tactic
It is correct it is not a verified twitter account
But it is also correct that the information has been valid and correct and Q posted a link to the account on June 13th
A really big deal is being made by the shills about this account
POTUS or Q will confirm the account or not
It is just not that big of a deal
There has been no harm or disinformation from the account
The Left needs to face reality: Trump is winning
I don't wish Jazz ill or harm
What I despise is the the forced narrative and brainwashing by MSM
He's a parasite