Anonymous ID: 1e41e1 Oct. 23, 2023, 4:36 a.m. No.19786041   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6054 >>6061


i've got an old cassells dictionary

friend challenged me to look up "telegony"

he was amazed when it was there

says it's been banned from all modern dictionaries

"Telegony is the belief that the sire first mated to a female will have an influence upon some of that female's later offspring by another male."

when hussein was running for president in 2008

i was challenging his ancestry on black political forums in the usa

told them, at least support a proper black man

i told them hussein was not african, he was undoubtedly indonesian

i said, maybe even stanley ann dunham's first boyfriend was indonesian and that's where the blue lips come from


now i think the father was probably mahomed subbud

so the blue lips were direct

anyway: check your dictionary

telegony is now being proven

a woman's body responds to first sexual contact

prepares for a baby of a certain type

but they'll keep it quiet

Anonymous ID: 1e41e1 Oct. 23, 2023, 5:01 a.m. No.19786085   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6368 >>6467


here's an interesting hussein fact i didn't know until right now

hussein says he has no record at all that his mother actually married barack hussein obama sr

~Dunham was three months pregnant when the two tied the knot in a ceremony so discreet that her son never uncovered any records of the event, according to Janny Scott's biography of Dunham, "A Singular Woman."~

maybe it was because hussein sr was already married in kenya

anyway, he was never the dad, just the beard

only indonesian people have blue lips

absolutely unique feature

i do not know how people can look at hussein and see anything different

said it in 2008

then came the subbud stories

look at muhammad subbuh

stanley ann dunham seems to have been a follower

indonesian connections go far back in her life