Anonymous ID: 695108 Oct. 23, 2023, 6:53 p.m. No.19790505   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0530 >>0533 >>0546 >>0552 >>0678 >>0806

Lindsey Graham in Tel Aviv Meltdown: Tells Newsmax 'Get Out of Here'


Sen. Lindsey Graham, R-S.C., went into meltdown mode with Newsmax's Israel correspondent, Daniel Cohen, during a Sunday press conference in Tel Aviv.


At the conference Cohen asked the senators why there was not a stronger condemnation, especially of those on the left like Democrat Reps. Rashida Tlaib of Michigan and Ilhan Omar of Minnesota, who have failed to condemn Hamas' attacks.


Cohen told the senators that Tlaib's "tweet is still up condemning Israel for a hospital attack we know was a lie."


At that point, Graham, who held the podium with nine U.S. senators standing behind him, blew his gasket.


"We are here together, not to talk about the problems at home, which are many," an angry Graham said, pointing his finger at Cohen.


"I've got my own view of what to say — you're not going to screw this up," Graham continued.


When Cohen interjected he was asking a "fair question," Graham again raised his voice.


"You're not going to screw this up," he said.


The senator then pointed to security and yelled for them to remove Cohen.


"Get this guy out of here!" Graham said.


The Israeli security ignored Graham's request.


A flustered Graham then explained himself, "I am an American, I believe in free speech" — ironically just a moment after ordering Cohen be ejected from the press conference.


Graham then said he didn't agree with the Squad's views.


"But I came here with Democrats and Republicans to let everyone in the world know: Don't judge every Democrat by the Squad, and don't judge every Republican by some of the things you hear," he said.


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