>>19790925 pb
something doesn't smell right
"i didn't watch this, I just thought it was interesting"
but then 3 very well-laid up sections of postings.
No summary, just someone's "letter"
full cut and paste.
The orbs it shows going around a plane?
does look fake-y
but more important point; same orbs found in footage collected by alleged 9/11 truther, full channel taken down long time ago with all the rest of the 9/11 truth vids of the day,
SHOWED THE SAME alleged orbs all around the Towers.
this Orb thing is another "Mandala effect"
The story of the missing plane is just the "Mcguffin" to get everyone interested in orb. The plane gone missing? Landed somewhere; many studied it at the time.
Name of the account is "Regicide"
Rilly ?