CONFIRMED:Israel ordered IDF to STAND DOWN and let Hamas attack – now Israel wants full-scale war to fulfill decades-long plan for “Greater Israel
Citing official government sources, Cecily Routman from the Jewish Pro-Life Foundation has revealed that Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu ordered Israel's military to stand down for a full seven hours during the recent Hamas attack – meaning Israel's government just let the slaughter of its own people happen on purpose to drum up an excuse to go to war against Gaza.
In order to justify Israeli retaliation against Gaza with the intent of wiping the Palestinian enclave off the map – this has been Netanyahu's long-term goal, by the way – Netanyahu and his coalition regime told the Israel Defense Forces (IDF) to do nothing while 1,200 Israelis were slaughtered by terrorists.
"Israel has the most sophisticated intelligence in the world," Routman told conservative activist Lauren Witzke in a recent interview – watch below. "There is no way the government didn't know that that was going to happen."
Rabbi Chananya Weissman "sent out a missive" about IDF stand down order
Routman would go on in the interview to explain that Rabbi Chananya Weissman, a well-connected religious leader who has the ears of top Israeli officials, "sent out a missive that, indeed, the IDF was given stand down orders – both the army and the air force – seven hours to stand down while those attacks took place."
"And this allowed the terrorists to come in and begin slaughtering and torturing the citizens," Routman explains. "Personally, I think that this situation is akin to a family keeping a rabid dog in their home and then blaming the dog when their baby gets bitten."
Routman's claims corroborate with official reports from October 7, the day of the attack, showing that in the first hours of the Hamas attack, the IDF was basically nowhere to be found, which is highly anomalous.