Anonymous ID: 6bcabc Oct. 24, 2023, 6:29 a.m. No.19792840   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2860

>>19792672 lb

>>19792684 lb

>>19792621 lb

>>19790925 pb

this is like the stoopid "its a scoop" reveals that say nothing, same as with "9/11 official new revelations" -that in reality are duds, 20 years after everybody already figured it out.

oo ooo oo the higjackers were working for fbi/cbi

oooo malasian 370 was lied about


it can be disproved! (the narrative) if you'll just have a Congressional Hearing

or meet me alone in a Virginia Motel and I'll give you the 'smoking gun'Which is already public and extant

so the official line will be discredited "officially"

? if only if only if only


Who the hell are they all imprisoning?

We know Assange; or do we?

LIN, ? interesting name for someone locked up under false charges (political prisoner)

"Ashton Forbes" name of guy who wrote letter?

Get some better script writers, guys.

"Covered" by Reddit and MSN -very reliable sources.

Anonymous ID: 6bcabc Oct. 24, 2023, 6:33 a.m. No.19792860   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2943


Their trick is a mind game.

Where they pretend you are too weak and your evidence is too weak, to demonstrate the truth.

Doesn't matter if that's true or not

All that matters is that they convince people of it.

Anonymous ID: 6bcabc Oct. 24, 2023, 6:48 a.m. No.19792943   🗄️.is 🔗kun



CNN is controlled by whom?

same people who control muhjoo spammers?

All coordinated.

Too bad for them in a free speech space they have very little to say, but have to used repitition and repeted empty rhetoric,

Guess that proves it, right?

They can't counter that's why they have to be repressive and violent / hateful

If they could speak normally they would lose their power; so it's a "catch -22" for them.

When there's a chance to counter and/or to speak back, their glow becomes visable

Anonymous ID: 6bcabc Oct. 24, 2023, 6:55 a.m. No.19792973   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3058


fundraiser for Bidan

anna wintour.

isn't she an MKULTRA bot handeled by her husband?


" (We) Are The News – OFFLINE ARCHIVE for Mar 20, 2019 MAGA • MEGA • WWG1WGA • Home • About • Archives

Anna Wintour Child Psychiatrist Back to Mar 20, 2019 • Back to 8chan /qresearch/ thread #7423 • Original link: Previous: At the Standard Hotel Next: Reps. Meadows and Jordan Send Letter to AG Barr Requesting Update on DOJ’s Investigation and Prosecution of McCabe

Post 5803371 Wed, Mar 20, 2019 11:52 PM EDT • View on 8kun






and also connects to Ray Chandler


more from the archives

"(We) Are The News – OFFLINE ARCHIVE for Mar 21, 2019 MAGA • MEGA • WWG1WGA • Home • About • Archives

More connections btw. Rachel Chandler, Demarchelier, and model abuse Back to Mar 21, 2019 • Back to 8chan /qresearch/ thread #7433 • Original link: Previous: Twitter video on TDS v. Reality Next: Connection between the disturbed drag queen kid "Desmond" and Rachel Chandler?

Post 5810549 Thu, Mar 21, 2019 12:01 PM EDT • View on 8kun

more abusive connections


The L.A. native moved to New York to study art history at NYU's Gallatin School in the mid-'00s and while taking classes, she interned for a number of arts organizations – like Reena Spaulings and the Whitney Museum of American Art – and for photographers, including Patrick Demarchelier. She also DJ'd on the side at the likes of Avenue, the Standard Hotel and the now-defunct Beatrice Inn. "There are a lot of people with slashes these days – model-slash-actor," she explains. "I never wanted to DJ, but I've wanted to be a photographer

my whole life."


the Boston Globe

Modeling’s glamour hides web of abuse

The fashion industry is built on glamour and allure, but many models, especially the very young, know it for something else: sexual exploitation and abuse

By Jenn Abelson and Sacha Pfeiffer, Globe Staff February 16, 2018


The accused men include some of the most well-known powerbrokers in the multibillion-dollar fashion industry and were often named by multiple women — in one case, seven — for alleged sexual misconduct.

Among them: Patrick Demarchelier, who was Princess Diana’s personal photographer; David Bellemere, whose photos have appeared on the covers of Elle and Marie Claire Italy; and Greg Kadel, who has shot for mega brands like Victoria’s Secret and Vogue.

Consider the case of photographer Patrick Demarchelier, who has maintained superstar status despite allegations that he has long preyed on young women.

Russell’s Instagram posts led one of Demarchelier’s former photo assistants to write in October to Vogue editor Anna Wintour about relentless advances by Demarchelier beginning when she was a 19-year-old intern, according to an e-mail reviewed by the Globe.

As his subordinate, she told the Globe, she eventually gave in to his sexual demands, feeling that she could not continue to reject him without endangering her position. When she did resist, she said, he would later berate her on the job.


So Rachel interned with Demarchelier who has veen accused of sexual abuse and was also the official Royal photographer…Also it seems as if Vogue magazine Anna Wintour is ever present as Rachels wedding was featured in Vogue…and one of the women also sent an email to Anna Wintour about Demarchelier's abuse…as well as Vogue often uses Demarchelier to do their covers and fashion shoots a whole lot…like a whole lot…Anna Wintour is quite fond of Demarchelier as this is what she had to say about him


The Editor in Chief of Vogue on the ‘timelessly classic’ work of photographer Patrick Demarchelier, the subject of retrospective exhibition at Christie’s New York from 2-12 October

In the 1970s, when I was working as a junior editor at Harpers & Queen in London, I wanted nothing more than to be cool enough so that Patrick Demarchelier just might talk to me. It wasn’t only his incredible photographs, which were already famous. It was his style of being — his confidence, his warmth, his offbeat creative energy. He seemed to be followed by beautiful and brilliant people everywhere he went. I would simply linger nearby hoping to absorb a little of the glow.

So they have had quite a lengthy relationship…so Anna must be complicit…bc he still shoots for Vogue even after Anna was officially notified of his abuse


she also dj'd at the standard…it is all very incestuous…the same people keep popping up over and over

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Anna Wintour inspired the movie "The Devil's wears Prada" vidrel

Anonymous ID: 6bcabc Oct. 24, 2023, 7:17 a.m. No.19793058   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3064 >>3110




Follow HUMA; to anna wintour townhouse.

Isn't she muslim brotherhood?

Wonder who procures the children for Biden?

Is that a silk embroydered Chinese dress?

Crysanthmum symbolism, Flower symbolism?

yellow crysanthmum?

What's hanging down off the necklaces?

full length purple leather jacket?

Perfect for Greenwich Village.

red chinese kimono style dress.

Did she really take off her sunglasses.

miss that. Must be a rumor.

Is she a guy, is that it? Like Ray Chan?


Yellow chrysanthemums symbolize neglected love or sorrow.

is that a crysanthemum

Anonymous ID: 6bcabc Oct. 24, 2023, 7:26 a.m. No.19793093   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3103 >>3110

is there one flower below cut in half?

is that a flower cut in half near "her" heart?

no woner the powers-that-be are so touchy (easily triggered) around "mis-gendering."

What's the deal with the big sunglasses, at night?

Anonymous ID: 6bcabc Oct. 24, 2023, 8:38 a.m. No.19793418   🗄️.is 🔗kun


figurs HRC would be one degree of separation from Anna Wintour?

With HUMA as go-between.

Notice even in the satire movie based upon Anna Wintour they don't dare give Meryl Streep the dark glasses to the extent of the real "black you can't see my eyes" glasses worn by Wintour.

It would stretch the "suspension of disbelief " of the audience - and isn't fit for fiction; though fit for real world crazies.

Anonymous ID: 6bcabc Oct. 24, 2023, 8:43 a.m. No.19793435   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Greta's from a lineage of freaks too

Not a compliment, in these case.

Sometimes "freak" is a compliment, meaning "outside the ORDER"

These freaks are all part of a plan for a "New Order." (new order same as old one?)


Anonymous ID: 6bcabc Oct. 24, 2023, 9:07 a.m. No.19793522   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3544 >>3569


Why would they need to "catagorize" it?

It that the only criticism?

Pretty weak

How would you catagorize Biden

"Very unusual specimen for POTUS"

(they are treating Speakers of the House as a catagory of animal, like taxominers? Catalog animals? kek)


What catagory does specimin Biden belong to?

Have we ever had a pedo POTUS, where image files extent from his son's laptop show him whipping a naked , tied up underage female?

Have we every had a POTUS who neglected to show respect to our fighting men.

Have we every had a POTUS who shit his pants and has to run off the bathroom - that's his emergency situation?

Have we ever had a POTUS who was rejected by foreign leaders, who was openly disrespected?

Have we ever had a POTUS who would never answer questions or give Press presentation with questions?

Have we every had a POTUS who attempted to jail his leading political opponant?

Have we ever had a POTUS who allowed a previous POTUS to be framed for Illusionary crimes?

Have we ever had a POTUS who was proved by documentary evidence to take bribes from foreign countries?

Have we ever had a POTUS who stole top security records and kept them unsecured?

Have we ever had a POTUS who appeared mentally incompetant?

Have we ever had a POTUS who locked up and lied about election result protesters - keeping them imprisoned for years?

Have we ever had a POTUS who was an obvious patholgical liar, who made up stories so ridiculous he could be compared to Baron von Munchausen?


to what catagory of POTUS does he belong?

TO NONE - there's never been one like him

Just as we've never had one on par with Donald J. Trump


Is that a good thing or a bad thing?

They phrase things to make you think something is a bad thing; but forget to examine the details.

These people are just "high" on their sense of entitlement (irony) arrogance and disrespect for other.s