Anonymous ID: 34bf61 June 30, 2018, 8 p.m. No.1979386   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9389 >>9423 >>9505 >>9513



When this nation was founded (prior to the Declaration of Independence, as a colony of England) there were many who arrived on this continent with hopes of beginning a new life. Many of these people were fleeing Europe from debts or minor crimes. Many of the Pilgrims were considered criminals.


Benjamin Franklin went to England for a visit, remarked that the colonies were profiting because they only minted as much money as they needed, and because they minted their own money. One of the Rothschilds cronies overheard this remark, and conveyed the message to the Rothschild, who then directed King George not to allow any colonies to mint their own money; all colonies were to use British money.


THIS is what led to the Revolutionary War. The country of England had been taken over through its indebtedness due to the war with Spain—the indebtedness being to the Rothschilds banking system, which was in collaboration with the Illuminati. This has remained so since that time.


Madison, Jefferson, Lafayette, Washington and Franklin were aware of the banking controls and the manipulations of nations. For this reason, the Constitution, in attempting to guarantee freedoms for individuals, was put together with three branches—the executive, legislative and judicial branches —in order to divide the power.


They SHOULD have also created a financial branch, which would also be controlled by the people, but they failed to do so; rather, they had the Constitution written so that Congress would control the money. Congress not only had the right to mint and coin money but also had the right to legislate and make laws. This mistake allowed Congress to be manipulated at a future time into giving away or voting away its right to mint and coin money, by turning this over to the Federal Reserve System.


Abraham Lincoln was faced with a need to finance his troops for the Civil War. The Civil War itself was staged and set up by the Illuminati, who brought slaves from Africa to the southern plantations in order to create an atmosphere that would lead to an issue that could be used for setting up a war that would divide the nation.



Anonymous ID: 34bf61 June 30, 2018, 8:01 p.m. No.1979389   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9524


The newspapers, being controlled by them, began to build up the background and the attitude among the northerners to set the stage for that Civil War. Abraham Lincoln, attempting to finance his troops, sought money from the banks, and was told that it would be provided at 26% interest. He then turned to the Constitution and printed the 'Lincoln Greenbacks’ that were used for financing his armies.

This Awareness indicates that during this time, the British and French, both being controlled by the Illuminati, prepared to invade the United States. The Czar of Russia, who was a good friend of Lincoln, warned these two nations that they would be forced to fight Russia if they invaded the United States. This prevented the invasion, and the Union armies won the Civil War. This led the Illuminati to its prepared efforts to take over the country through the banking process of the Federal Reserve System, and to take over the Russian empire through its planned Bolshevik Revolution.

In 1905, Henry Morgan, Paul Warburg, Nelson Aldrich (a Senator from New York) along with Jacob Schiff, John D. Rockefeller and several others, went secretly by train and boat to Jekyll Island where they met to discuss a plan for an economic system that would allow the banking establishment to control the money of this nation.

They developed a program that was already written by the Illuminati, and presented by Paul Warburg, and adapted to the needs of their purposes and presented this as the 'Aldrich Plan'.

The majority of members of the press and of Congress objected – knowing that Aldrich worked for the Wall Street bankers—and knowing that it would not be to the benefit of the people.

They then returned and worked on an alternative plan, presenting this as the 'People's Plan'.

Both plans were essentially the same plan, one billed as the 'Banker's Plan', the other billed as the 'People's Plan'. This became the Federal Reserve System. These schemers then had this Federal Reserve System passed in Congress on Christmas Eve, when most of the Congress had already left to go home, except for those few working with them, who passed this Federal Reserve Plan. This was intended to prevent any further run on the banks, or any form of crisis in the economics of this country.

This Awareness indicates that in 1929, the crash came, and the banks collected nine-tenths of all personal property on default of mortgages. They became the richest people in North America (Vatican still had more wealth). Nelson Rockefeller (named after the Senator Nelson Aldrich), and his brother David, during the 1940s served as assistants to the Chase Manhattan Bank and its various interests.

These two assisted in setting up what was known as the Pacific Institute of Research in Japan, which was used to create certain political influences that helped to polarize the Japanese interests against the interests of the United States, and therefore set the stage for World War II in the Pacific. This was with the assistance of President Roosevelt, who was not fully aware of what was occurring behind the scenes, but being used as a puppet.

Essentially, John D. Rockefeller and the empire built by him were financed after the Civil War by the European powers of the Rothschilds, and these forces were allowed to grow and build during World War II into that which became the most powerful banking and financial interest in the entire world.

After World War II had been completed, the Rockefellers assisted in selling all of the war machinery to the Rothschilds who were in control of Russia and China and Communist forces, allowing these nations to build up their industrial war machines and to industrialize to a high capacity in order that they might become greater powers.

The Rockefellers began to gain greater and greater control over the United States government.

Allan Dulles, being Rockefeller's cousin, was put in charge of the CIA. John Foster Dulles, another cousin, was made the Secretary of State.