Anonymous ID: 83b92e Oct. 24, 2023, 11:46 a.m. No.19794519   🗄️.is 🔗kun



Gotta love Mike and his analysis…I am a +1 on this. Consider WHY hasn't Israel gone into Gaza yet? It has been over 2 weeks. Recall "weather" was the first reason.


If Israel invades Gaza it destroys itself. If Israel invades Gaza nukes will likely fly. If Israel invades Gaza it totally collapses our economy…


We're now on WORLD SUICIDE WATCH to see if Israel is going to pull the trigger and actually set off a series of events that will lead to the collapse of Israel and the USA:

Brighteon Broadcast News, Oct 23, 2023 - CHAIN REACTION: 22 DEVASTATING things that will happen if Israel launches full assault against Gaza


  • First global IQ test targeted believers in "science" using the covid psyop, FEAR and demanded obedience to #vaccines

  • Second global IQ test targets Christians with another psyop (in Israel), using psychological terror to demand a HOLY WAR

  • #Depopulation globalists have many clever ways to deceive people on the Left and the Right, to push global #genocide against humanity

  • If Gaza is attacked with a ground assault, the IDF will experience devastating losses

  • US military bases will be attacked across the Middle East

  • Energy prices will skyrocket, causing #inflation and #famine worldwide

  • The USA unleashes massive money printing to fund a 3-front war: $1 trillion a week

  • Treasury yields skyrocket as the world rejects the debt of the failing US empire

  • #Israel is the first to launch a nuclear attack as Iran, Hezbollah, Syria, Turkey and Russia threaten Israel's borders

  • Nuclear retaliation could strike US aircraft carriers, providing perfect justification for the USA to enter world war

  • #Israel will likely be nuked in retaliation, then completely overrun

  • Global supply chains collapse; economies grind to a halt

  • US #dollar collapses, US banks fail, and eventually the US government defaults and collapses

  • Savings, investments, stocks and pensions are all nearly wiped out

  • US cities erupt with violence and lawlessness, "warlord" mode activated

  • US states declare independence and launch their own currencies

Anonymous ID: 83b92e Oct. 24, 2023, 11:57 a.m. No.19794586   🗄️.is 🔗kun



"Is any media reporting on the heavy loses US special forces have already encountered in Gaza?"