Trust yourself™
Time Stone aka you know the thing.
They cannot hide behind Religion or Race anymore. No more excuses; time's up.
Imagine a particle that is not limited by any rules. Therefore that particle is everywhere, everything, at the same time, experiencing itself.
Quantum Teleportation already proves this basically.
God / Source.
>1 out of 14,000,605
Makes billions off his fighters and pays most of them 30-60k per year to lose their brain cells. Not exactly a Leader to expect much from.
I wasn't sure what to call the thing that would be everything. Source particle?
Particle meaning least possible amount, which contradicts infinity. But talking in Infinite terms with limited words is not easy.
Sleeping is Time Travel.
Stop asking loaded questions.
Quickly? Death is too good for them… I want them to suffer, as I have suffered.
A novel / movie that every single Man on Earth resonates with on every plane of existence.
Watch the Count of Monte Cristo to pass some time.