Anonymous ID: 4aa7c3 Oct. 24, 2023, 7:14 p.m. No.19797238   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7286 >>7649

Military Court Watch

MCW was established in 2013 and is guided by two basic principles.

First, all children detained by the Israeli military authorities are entitled to all the rights and protections guaranteed under international law.

Secondly, that there can be no legal justification for treating Palestinian and Israeli children differently under Israel’s military and civilian legal systems.


Children are routinely imprisoned in Israel


— About 800,000 Palestinian men, women and children have been detained since 1967.


— Children as young as 12 years can be prosecuted in the military courts.


— Approximately 500-1,000 children detained each year.


— Children are most commonly prosecuted for stone throwing.


— Over half of all detained children are arrested at night and report physical and psychological abuse during arrest, transfer and interrogation.


— 95% of cases in the military courts end in conviction.


— Approximately 50% of Palestinian child detainees are held in prisons in Israel in breach of Article 76 of the Fourth Geneva Convention.

Anonymous ID: 4aa7c3 Oct. 24, 2023, 8:06 p.m. No.19797589   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Israel now

The ground war will start any day now troops in position

7 days later - The ground war could start any day now…


Ukraine then

There is a 40 mile long convoy of Russians on its way to destroy Kiev

2 weeks later - There is a 40 mile long convoy approaching…


> HEY DAN need one that says



Anonymous ID: 4aa7c3 Oct. 24, 2023, 8:18 p.m. No.19797649   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7757 >>7817 >>7834 >>7874



notable statistics


Israel doubles number of Palestinian prisoners to 10,000 in two weeks


Since October 7, Israel has arrested 4,000 labourers from Gaza and more than 1,000 people in the occupied West Bank.


Palestinians from the Gaza Strip who were arrested inside Israel are being held under the“Unlawful Combatants Law” which allows authorities to detain Palestinians indefinitely without effective judicial review.


The law defines an “unlawful combatant” as a “person who has participated either directly or indirectly in hostile acts against the State of Israel, or is a member of a force perpetrating hostile acts against the State of Israel.”


On October 13, Israel amended the law to make it easier to arrest Palestinians on mere suspicion. Some of the provisions include “expanding the scope of those entitled to issue arrest warrants to include generals and those of lower rank”.


The Unlawful Combatants Law is the equivalent of administrative detention in the occupied West Bank and East Jerusalem, which allows Israel to hold Palestinians from those areas indefinitely under “secret evidence”.


>Jan6 anyone?