Anonymous ID: 0ab228 Oct. 25, 2023, 8:28 a.m. No.19799405   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9411


Ok so its kind of complicated but God is manifest as a star, our sun. He is a spirit entity that created this solar system. To do some spriit work to help change the universe he needed to be in physical form with hands so he fractured a part of his entity to be born as jesus a human person with God's spirit as his soul. As the sun entity he has both an adopted father, Providence, and a birth father, the Pindar, pinnicle of the drago. Dethroning the drago was his mission as Jesus but the Drago betrayed him. Its difficult to discern who he's talking about when he mentions father, He's not talking about himself as the Sun.

Furthermore, Heaven and Hell and purgatory exists as places that human souls stay between incarnations in physical bodies. Hell is underground (as below) and Heaven and purgatory (as above) is among us above ground. Souls of deceased humans live among us in our homes etc but we cannot see or hear them and they can not see us except in a mirror, so if you want to talk to a deceased person, stand in a mirror.

It is the archangels (in most cases) who transport our souls to the afterworld and into the wombs of pregnant women (at about 16 weeks after conception).

Anonymous ID: 0ab228 Oct. 25, 2023, 8:38 a.m. No.19799449   🗄️.is 🔗kun


god is a generic term, personally I call him Mazda because he is the same as the zoroastorian god and it is the name his mother gave him.

And he hates being called jesus.