Anonymous ID: f27eb5 Oct. 25, 2023, 5:25 a.m. No.19798720   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8730 >>8860 >>9098

Morning anons…



ty bake! Like the title…NCSWIC…


So anons…riddle me this…


WHYhas Israel not gone into Gaza yet?


Let me give you some thoughts…

-the OP has always valued and protected life. Even in Ukraine Russia has showed great restraint in how they have conducted a DEFENSIVE war

-per the above we should have been nuked, attacked with a virus, attacked with a vaccine, and over run by MS13 by now under the WHO Hillary plan

-If Israel crosses into Gaza it will pull in Iran into the active campaign

-Iran is nuclear capable and has long range missiles that are accurate (not like the fireworks the Hamas have)

-Iran has a somewhat capable navy

-Iran is closely allied with Russia

-Russia has weapons that can defeat an air craft carrier

-going into Gaza 100% assures WWIII


(they) have to have WWIII in order to survive…the jig is up in Ukraine, Biden is gone in less than 16 months and has lost the ability to do most everything here. The congress is in turmoil and thereby CANNOT APPROVE ANY FUNDS (which is likely by design BTW)…


Saving Israel for last is brilliant as Israel creates a conflict between Muslim and Christian which is 60% of the world = wakey wakey