Anonymous ID: 16a35c Oct. 25, 2023, 11:58 a.m. No.19800501   🗄️.is đź”—kun   >>0516 >>0531 >>0609 >>0724 >>0907 >>1042 >>1113

muh chaos

clearly an upgrade

Timeline: Republicans' chaotic search for a new House speaker


By Melissa Quinn


Updated on: October 24, 2023 / 7:56 PM / CBS News


Washington — In the three weeks since Rep. Kevin McCarthy was ousted as speaker of the House in a historic vote, the chamber's Republican conference has been engulfed in chaos as it searches for a replacement.


The process so far has involved four nominees for speaker, with Rep. Mike Johnson of Louisiana becoming the latest to earn the nod and try to secure the 217 votes needed to win the gavel.


The effort to elect a new speaker began in early October, when GOP Rep. Matt Gaetz of Florida followed through on a threat to remove McCarthy after he worked with Democrats to avert a government shutdown. Here's what has transpired since then:

Oct. 2


Florida Rep. Matt Gaetz officially announces he will move to oust McCarthy as speaker by filing what's known as a "motion to vacate," a maneuver that forces a vote on the House floor.


Gaetz launches his effort to remove McCarthy just two days after the speaker reached an 11th hour deal to fund the government through Nov. 17. The Florida Republican claims the agreement allegedly involved a "secret side deal" to provide more support for Ukraine. Gaetz and a number of congressional Republicans oppose sending any more aid to Ukraine in its war against Russia.

Oct. 3


Allies of McCarthy unsuccessfully try to table Gaetz's resolution to declare the office of speaker vacant, with 11 Republicans voting against the effort to spare the speaker.


A final vote on the measure is then taken, and it passes 216 to 210. As a result, McCarthy is removed from his position as speaker, the first time in history a speaker has been voted out during a congressional session. Eight Republicans join with all Democrats to approve the resolution removing McCarthy.

Following the vote, Rep. Patrick McHenry of North Carolina is designated the speaker pro tempore. McHenry's name topped a list submitted by McCarthy to the House clerk in January that laid out who would fill in as an interim speaker in case of a vacancy.


McHenry immediately recesses the House to allow for the Republican and Democratic conferences to "meet and discuss the path forward" before proceeding to the election of a new speaker.


Hours later, McCarthy announces that he will not run for speaker again.

Oct. 11


After a week of campaigning, Majority Leader Steve Scalise is selected by the Republican conference as the nominee for speaker by a vote of 113 to 99. He defeats Rep. Jim Jordan, the chairman of the House Judiciary Committee and a conservative firebrand, in the internal race held behind closed doors.

Oct. 12


Just one day after winning the speaker nomination, Scalise withdraws his candidacy. The majority leader tells reporters that "there are still schisms that have to get resolved," an indication of the deep divisions among the GOP conference that would make it difficult for him to secure the necessary support to become speaker.

Oct. 13


Republicans select Jordan by secret ballot as their second nominee for House speaker in a closed-door Friday meeting. The Ohio Republican co-founded the House Freedom Caucus, a group of far-right GOP lawmakers, and served as its chairman. He is also one of the most ardent defenders of former President Donald Trump on Capitol Hill. As leader of the Judiciary Committee, he is one of the chairs tasked with leading the House GOP's impeachment inquiry into President Biden.

Rep. Jim Jordan speaks to reporters as House Republicans hold a caucus meeting on Capitol Hill on Oct. 13, 2023.

Jordan fends off a late challenge from Georgia Rep. Austin Scott in order to win the nod with the backing of 124 of his Republican colleagues.


Lawmakers head home for the weekend without holding a vote for a permanent speaker.

Oct. 17


The House convenes to hold its first formal vote for speaker. Republicans nominate Jordan, while Democrats select Minority Leader Hakeem Jeffries of New York as their candidate.


But after the first ballot, Jordan falls short of the 217 votes he needs to ascend to the speakership, winning 200 votes to Jeffries' 212. Twenty Republicans vote for someone other than Jordan — seven GOP lawmakers vote for Scalise, six support McCarthy, and three vote for former New York Rep. Lee Zeldin. Receiving one vote apiece are Reps. Mike Garcia of California, Tom Cole of California, Thomas Massie of Kentucky and Emmer.

Jordan vows to press ahead, telling reporters, "We're going to keep working, and we're going to get the votes."

Anonymous ID: 16a35c Oct. 25, 2023, 12:01 p.m. No.19800516   🗄️.is đź”—kun   >>0531 >>0609 >>0724 >>0907 >>1042 >>1113


>muh chaos


>clearly an upgrade


>Timeline: Republicans' chaotic search for a new House speaker


Oct. 18


The House gathers for a second vote for speaker, with Jordan and Jeffries again nominated by their respective parties.


Jordan again fails to secure the necessary votes to become speaker and sees his opposition grow on the second ballot. In all, 22 Republicans withhold their support for the Ohio Republican, but he picks up votes from two GOP lawmakers who opposed him on the first ballot: Reps. Doug LaMalfa of California and Victoria Spartz of Indiana.


Some Republicans indicate they want the House to vote to give McHenry more authority to allow for consideration of a limited legislative agenda, though such an effort would likely require support from Democrats.


Jordan again pledges not to step aside.


"We got 200 votes. You know, we picked up some today, a couple dropped off but they voted for me before, I think they can come back again," he tells reporters. "So we'll keep talking to members, we'll keep working on it."

Oct. 20


The House holds a third vote for speaker, and Jordan continues to bleed support from fellow Republicans. On the third ballot, the Ohio Republican loses 25 GOP lawmakers in total. The final tally is 210 votes for Jeffries and 194 for Jordan.


The GOP conference convenes for a closed-door meeting and votes by secret ballot to drop Jordan as the nominee for speaker — 86 members say Jordan should remain in the race, while 112 say he should not.


The vote leaves Republicans again searching for a speaker candidate who can unite the deeply divided conference.

Oct. 22


Nine Republicans meet a deadline to announce their candidacies for speaker, according to Rep. Elise Stefanik, chair of the House GOP conference. The nine candidates for the speaker nomination are:


Rep. Jack Bergman of Michigan

Rep. Byron Donalds of Florida

Rep. Tom Emmer of Minnesota

Rep. Kevin Hern of Oklahoma

Rep. Mike Johnson of Louisiana

Rep. Dan Meuser of Pennsylvania

Rep. Gary Palmer of Alabama

Rep. Austin Scott of Georgia

Rep. Pete Sessions of Texas


Only two of those nine voted to certify the results of the 2020 presidential election.

Oct. 23


Republicans meet for a candidate forum, where the contenders make their pitch to their colleagues on why they should be nominated for speaker.


Meuser drops out of the race, bringing the total number of candidates to eight.


Before the forum, former President Donald Trump weighs in and declines to endorse any of the candidates. Instead, he tells reporters during a campaign stop in New Hampshire that "I'm sort of trying to stay out" of the race. It's unclear how much weight Trump's endorsement holds with the current GOP conference, as he threw his support behind Jordan, and his bid failed.

Oct. 24


Republicans gather behind closed doors for the third time to select their nominee for speaker. Palmer drops out of the race just before the meeting, bringing the field of candidates vying for the nomination to seven.


The party holds five rounds of voting in all, and the nod ultimately goes to Emmer, the majority whip.

House Majority Whip Tom Emmer on Capitol Hill on Tuesday, Oct. 24, 2023.

House Majority Whip Tom Emmer on Capitol Hill on Tuesday, Oct. 24, 2023. Tom Williams/CQ-Roll Call, Inc via Getty Images


Sessions is eliminated after the first round, followed by Bergman after the second and Scott after the third. Donalds withdraws from the race after the fourth round, while Hern drops off the ballot.

Anonymous ID: 16a35c Oct. 25, 2023, 12:04 p.m. No.19800531   🗄️.is đź”—kun   >>0609 >>0693 >>0724 >>0907 >>1042 >>1113



>muh chaos


>clearly an upgrade


>Timeline: Republicans' chaotic search for a new House speaker


On the fifth and final ballot, Emmer goes head-to-head with Johnson and defeats him 117 to 97, lawmakers say. A subsequent roll call vote to gauge Emmer's backing, though, sees at least 20 Republicans withhold their support, according to Rep. Nicole Malliotakis of New York.


The level of opposition from the GOP conference indicates that Emmer will face an immense challenge in winning 217 votes. Shortly after Emmer clinches the nomination, Trump comes out against his candidacy for speaker despite saying he planned to remain on the sidelines a day earlier.


In a post to his social media site Truth Social, the former president claims Emmer "never respected the power of a Trump endorsement, or the breadth and scope of MAGA — MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN!" Trump goes on to say that "voting for a Globalist RINO like Tom Emmer would be a tragic mistake!"


Later in the afternoon, Emmer told his fellow Republicans that he was dropping his candidacy for speaker, just hours after he won the nomination.


The party heads back to the drawing board yet again, and six candidates submit their names for consideration following Emmer's exit: Donalds, Hern, Johnson, Chuck Fleischmann of Tennessee, Mark Green of Tennessee and Roger Williams of Texas. Hern, however, drops his bid shortly after declaring his candidacy and throws his support behind Johnson.


Republicans huddle for another candidates' forum — their second in two days — and proceed to voting for a new nominee.


Johnson is selected as the speaker nominee after three ballots, becoming Republicans' fourth speaker-designate. Like the others before him, though, Johnson faces a tough path to earning 217 votes, as there were 44 "other" votes on the final ballot cast for people not officially running. McCarty himself earns 43 of those 44 votes despite not mounting a bid for the gavel.

Anonymous ID: 16a35c Oct. 25, 2023, 12:28 p.m. No.19800693   🗄️.is đź”—kun   >>0700 >>0724 >>0907 >>1042 >>1113


I'll take somedeep cleavageright about now

fake news election reeeeeee intensifies


Only Election Deniers Need Apply for Speaker


The House GOP’s new litmus test

By David A. Graham

A black-and-white photo of the U.S. Capitol.

Mark Peterson / The New York Times / Redux

October 25, 2023, 1:59 PM ET

Saved Stories


Updated on October 25 at 1:59 p.m. ET


One paradox of the current House Republican majority, and a sign of the deep cleavages within it, is that having sought to overturn the 2020 presidential election can be both disqualifying and essential to becoming speaker of the House.


After Jim Jordan of Ohio’s campaign to become speaker flamed out, The Washington Post reported that one reason some colleagues refused to vote for him was his vocal role in trying to prevent the inauguration of Joe Biden. Following Jordan’s exit, nine Republicans announced bids for the role, seven of whom had voted not to certify the 2020 election.


The next GOP nominee, however, was Majority Whip Tom Emmer of Minnesota, who voted in favor of certifying the election. That vote—on a matter for which there was no evidence of fraud and no evidence of theft—helped doom Emmer, who withdrew without even seeing a floor vote. Former President Donald Trump, along with some allies, mobilized to block Emmer, citing his certification vote, criticism of Trump after the January 6 riot at the Capitol, and perceived weak defense of Trump amid his 91 felony charges.

Read: The threat to democracy is coming from inside the U.S. House

The next man up is Mike Johnson of Louisiana. Some observers speculate that Johnson, the caucus’s fifth choice, might actually manage to obtain the gavel in part because of fatigue: Republicans understand how bad the failure to elect a speaker is, both for governance and for public appearance. Johnson also hasn’t made as many enemies as the prior nominees, in part because he’s only been in Congress since 2016. But Johnson also has cachet in the MAGA fringe of the House and with Trump, because he was, as The New York Times described him last year, “the most important architect of the Electoral College objections” to certifying the election.

A certain logic dictates that the leader of the House GOP would be an election denier, because the median GOP member is. In 2021, 139 House Republicans voted not to certify the election, and 109 of them remain in the House out of 221 current total Republicans. Of the GOP members who have been newly elected since, several are election deniers. (One, Derrick Van Orden of Wisconsin, was even present at the Stop the Steal rally before the riot.) But what is striking is how a failed vote nearly three years ago has become a central issue in the weeks-long speaker fight.

Anonymous ID: 16a35c Oct. 25, 2023, 12:29 p.m. No.19800700   🗄️.is đź”—kun   >>0716 >>0718 >>0724 >>0907 >>1042 >>1113


>and a sign of the deep cleavages



Kevin McCarthy, the recently deposed speaker, fit the bill, having voted not to certify. But McCarthy is widely viewed as an institutionalist, so his vote garnered him neither much credibility with conservatives nor the condemnation it deserved among some Democratic and mainstream observers. For better or worse, McCarthy’s vote was treated as cynical, insincere politicking. (It didn’t help that he was publicly bullied into signing an amicus brief to the Supreme Court challenging the results in four states.)

But Johnson was not just a member going along with the election denial for political expediency. He was the intellectual force—such as it was—behind one major prong of the denial. Although Johnson is mild-mannered and little-known outside Congress, he’s practically just Jim Jordan with a suit jacket, conservative glasses, and a less hectoring voice.

Johnson, a constitutional lawyer by profession, concocted what he called a “third option” to allow Republicans to challenge the election without endorsing the wildest claims of flipped votes and Venezuelan interventions. Instead, as the Times reported in detail, he argued that the way some states had changed voting procedures in response to the coronavirus pandemic was unconstitutional. Delivered in a careful way, this seemed like a lawyerly argument, but the intended effect was radical: It aimed to have the votes of several key states that voted for Biden simply thrown out, disenfranchising millions of Americans and handing Trump reelection. (The premise was also shaky; the number of votes affected by the changes wouldn’t have flipped the states.)

When Texas’s attorney general made a similar argument to the U.S. Supreme Court, Johnson wrote an amicus brief in support of it and rounded up House Republicans to sign it, using an implicit threat: He said that Trump would “be anxiously awaiting the final list” of signers to review. According to the Times, the lawyer for House Republican leaders said that Johnson’s arguments didn’t hold water, but he still managed to get 125 members to sign. Nevertheless, the Supreme Court rejected the argument in December 2020, saying that Texas had no standing to sue.

Having run out of other options, many of the same Republicans decided to vote on January 6 not to certify the election. Johnson put out a phenomenally disingenuous statement explaining that vote, in which he spread claims that undermined faith in elections despite a lack of evidence or legal grounding, all in the name of building faith. “Our extraordinary republic has endured for nearly two and a half centuries based on the consent of the governed,” he and 36 colleagues wrote. “That consent is grounded in the confidence of our people in the legitimacy of our institutions of government. Among our most fundamental institutions is the system of free and fair elections we rely upon, and any erosion in that foundation jeopardizes the stability of our republic.” Johnson also told The New Yorker, apparently with a straight face, that he “genuinely believe[d]” that Trump was challenging the election on principle and not just to stay in power.

Last night, after Johnson was designated the speaker nominee, a reporter asked him about his role in trying to overturn the election. His colleagues jeered at the reporter while Johnson smirked and then said, “Next question.” The dismissiveness is unwarranted, especially when three former lawyers for Trump have pleaded guilty to crimes related to election subversion just in the past week. But Republican members don’t want to talk about the topic, because they know that election denial is not popular with the American people. Within the GOP caucus, however, it’s not just mainstream—it might be a prerequisite for leadership.