Anonymous ID: 6bf3ae Oct. 25, 2023, 11:40 a.m. No.19800388   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0609 >>0724 >>0907 >>1042 >>1113

Israel's Iron Dome Has A Supply Problem

Missiles coming from Gaza are cheap and plentiful in comparison


Compare,the Qassam missiles being launched by Hamas and the Iron Dome air defence system that shoots them down.


The Qassam missiles are extremely simple and cheap to manufacture. The rocket propellant is made by combining sugar and fertiliser. The explosive tip is no more sophisticated than what is found in a grenade or an RPG round. Each missile costs around $300-$800 to make and, given the simplicity, the supply of these missiles is potentially infinite. It is estimated that Hamas has some 14,000 stockpiled — although given that Israeli intelligence failed to see the attack on the country’s territory earlier this month, the group may have many more.


The Iron Dome is, by contrast, an extremely sophisticated and expensive piece of technology, with each battery costing around $50 million. More importantly, each Tamir interceptor fired by the system costs around $50,000, meaning that it costs Israel around 100 times the cost of each Hamas missile to shoot them down. The Tamir interceptors are limited in supply, too. It is not clear how many Israel has stockpiled or how long they take to produce, but given that the United States is reported to have taken delivery of a few hundred and have ordered just over 1,800 more, it is a safe bet that these missiles are to some degree supply-constrained.


But the Iron Dome missiles are cheap when compared to their Patriot and THAAD counterparts. A single Patriot missile costs around $4 million, while a single THAAD battery costs an eye-watering $800 million. Since many Patriot batteries have recently been used in Ukraine, these too could be facing supply pressures.



Anonymous ID: 6bf3ae Oct. 25, 2023, 11:50 a.m. No.19800447   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0460 >>0609 >>0724 >>0907 >>1042 >>1113

Questions persist about Israeli attack on USS Liberty naval ship that killed 34 American crew members


As the U.S. continues to offer unwavering support for Israel in its war against Hamas terrorists, it is important to remember that this support has not always been mutual – with one of the most egregious examples being when Israel tried to sink the USS Liberty, a noncombatant naval technical research vessel, killing 34 American crew members who were on board. However, many Americans are unfamiliar with what went down on that dark day 56 years ago thanks to efforts by the government and the corporate media to cover it up.


The attack on the USS Liberty in international waters off the northern Sinai coast has been shrouded in controversy and secrecy ever since it occurred. Some survivors maintain that it was a deliberate attack by the Israelis, and some former senior intelligence officials agree with their assessment. However, U.S. and Israeli officials have long insisted it was an accident.


An unprovoked attack on a noncombatant naval ship

On June 8, 1967, an Israeli aircraft conducting routine reconnaissance patrols across the Mediterranean spotted the ship…..the ship found itself being slammed by torpedoes in a two-hour attack that also saw bombs and napalm being dropped on it.

As an intelligence gathering ship, it was unprepared to defend itself and was only lightly armed, and its distress signals were blocked by Israeli forces. Survivors have reported that the Israeli aircraft that attacked them were unmarked, and they deliberately strafed their life rafts.A total of 34 Americans died and 174 were injured.


It was flying an American flag and labeled “USS Liberty” on the hull.


Officials don’t believe “outrageous” attack was an accident

The U.S. Secretary of State at the time, Dean Rusk, said that he “was never satisfied with the Israeli explanation,” adding: “I didn't believe them then, and I don't believe them to this day. The attack was outrageous.”



Anonymous ID: 6bf3ae Oct. 25, 2023, 12:20 p.m. No.19800630   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0724 >>0907 >>0951 >>1042 >>1113

Israelis lament ‘PR disaster’ after freed Israeli hostage reveals Hamas ‘treated us very nicely’


Oct 25, 2023

Israeli state media threw a fit on Tuesday over the "public relations disaster" of freed hostage Yocheved Lifshitz's press conference in which she revealed that Hamas treated her and fellow captives "very nicely" and "were very delicate and gentle with them and took care of all their needs."


Lifshitz said Hamas operatives were "very friendly," "told them they were Muslims and they were not going to hurt them," provided them with medicine and "shared with them the same food that Hamas was eating."


Israel has spent the past week accusing Hamas of being a baby-beheading, baby-raping, ISIS-style killing machine that rapes pregnant woman, cuts their babies out on film and inflicts horrors on their victims "worse than the Holocaust."


"They gave us pitta bread, hard cheese, some low fat cream cheese, and cucumber and that was our food for the entire day."


Freed Hamas hostage Yocheved Lifshitz recounts her experience saying "there were people there who took care of all the needs."




— Sky News (@SkyNews) October 24, 2023


Sharone Lifschitz, the daughter of freed hostage Yocheved Lifshitz, recounts her mother's experience of being taken hostage by Hamas.


She says Hamas militants were "friendly" and describes how another hostage was treated by a paramedic.


? Sky 501


— Sky News (@SkyNews) October 24, 2023


"Each person had a guard watching him or her. They took care of all the needs. They talked about all kinds of things, they were very friendly."


Yocheved Lifshitz details what it was like while being held hostage by Hamas.




? Sky 501 and YouTube


— Sky News (@SkyNews) October 24, 2023




— Mario Nawfal (@MarioNawfal) October 23, 2023


From The Times of Israel, "Lifshitz press conference panned as disastrous for Israel, PR win for Hamas":


The Kan public broadcaster reports that Israeli PR experts are calling the decision to put Lifshitz in front of cameras a "mistake." The station notes that international media is now reporting on Hamas's kindness in taking care of the hostage's needs.


In Israel Hayom, columnist Eddie Rothstein calls the interview a "propaganda win for Hamas."

Contrast the way Lifshitz's describes the treatment of captives under Hamas with the way Palestinians taken captive by Israel described how they were treated in a shocking story released last week by the Israeli media outlet Haaretz:

(Article by Chris Menahan republished from



Anonymous ID: 6bf3ae Oct. 25, 2023, 12:37 p.m. No.19800754   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0806


Elon Musk was brought up in the System.

Check Jessie Czebotar's interviews on ytube.


She's high up in the Bloodline System, chosen and trained to take the highest position in the System - Queen Mother of Darkness.


She has recently said that Elon Musk has turned to the "Light Side".


However, note that the

AntiChrist is someone "charismatic, liked by all people."

Elon Musk has played both sides for decades, so as not to offend either side, so he has popularity, unlike the wooden Mark Zuckerberg.


Elon Musk's childhood babysitter said his mother Maye Musk (pic) called him "ELYON" which means "God" in Hebrew. with the "Y".


Don't be fooled by Elon Musk.

Anonymous ID: 6bf3ae Oct. 25, 2023, 12:41 p.m. No.19800786   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Bullshit. No Israelis have died for our freedom.


Israel has fleeced America for 70 Years, and our ZOG has sent many Americans to DIE in Wars to benefit Israel.


Israel Did 9/11 and killed 2,996 Americans.