he also is sucking the dick of israel. Fuck that shit.
fuck all politicians self congratulatory faggots.
kek go ahead. Yes I should be filtered because Israel is chosen because god said so.
of course and they can fuck themselves. Especially if war is their first concern. Perhaps you could not determine sarcasm you stupid cunt.
rapture is masonic nigger talk
masons are too busy chugging cock to talk. However the rapture idea I thought came about wit the scofield shit and somehow tied into the left behind series also.
using your verbiage of satan, he was in charge of the old testament also. Everything has been messed.
don't be silly these people are not members of death cults. These are all True every last word and bit.
ancient sites all over the world show this and yet they still think the bible is the only story in town.
tossing the wallet and just cussing the fucker out seems like a kek notion. Inspired.