holy fuck it's a leaf
wonder if that's the infamous fungus
i truly believe vatican shill's mind is broken and this is the retards only way of coping lmfao
>30 posts
why do you neurotic jews crave so much attention and desire to control narratives?
businesses should be free who they choose to do business with and who they choose not to do business with
same goes for consumers
this whole making everybody bend the knee is what's going to push people over the edge
anyone 21+ with a provable net worth under $10k and whose family has been natural born americans for at least 3 generations gets $10k
one time deal
would support that any day over giving anything to any foreign country
nah, they chose to go to school and many for useless degrees
but if they fall under the parameters i mentioned then they'd qual for 10k
should have said 21-whatever age you start getting ssi, 65
let's not get too carried away