Feel.The.Ree in the morning.
>White supremacists are usually not involved with bowling leagues.
true but it Maine what else is there besides bait and tackle stores.
is it anon or is there no fvcking resemblence whatsoever?
muh bee?
wonder what Q meant by "quickly."
anon didn't want to use the work "shithole" in light of the mood.
it's going thru puberty.
he forgot to mention the stepdaddy: Freerepublic.
thot anon'd seen't posts a couple of days ago about "ff incoming?"
they a regular occurrence. wonder if there's any correlation to the moon.
that's where the real autists are
>Tucker is in Maine, anon.
oughts make you wonder about him.
>Maine can't be summed up like you have.
exceptions make the rule.
>This platform isn't.
big, big, white guy with gunreeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!!!.
Lies and Confusion, oh my!
Goldie Hawn: ‘An alien touched me and it felt like the finger of God’
>Yeah, nope.
>I'm too honest for political office.
and we complain that crooks run our institutions.