>The army has been killing silently for years
It's not the military killing people, it's your local neighborhood mafioso DS cabal minion. They attack you by low dosages over time to keep under that radar; I know because we are attacked just about everyday in some fashion. For example, we got our garbage can this morning right after they picked it up because twice in the last week we had chems in the can. It was too late, even though there was no contamination on the can today, we had a stream of chemicals along the curb and up and into our driveway. We pick up leaves daily due to the wind currents that they have set their fences and shrubbery up for. In the last four days, the neighbor to my east somehow needed to wash his garbage can everyday for the last four days at the same time we pick up our leaves regardless of early am or late day. All the symptoms that you mentioned and more are 100% correct. They seem to have an endless supply of these bio chemicals weapons at their disposal. Nothing is random, nothing.