Samuel Benjamin Bankman-Fried
Sam, with the powerful hair
Samson Option - He's decided to take the stand and give testimony.
This is going to be good.
Samuel Benjamin Bankman-Fried
Sam, with the powerful hair
Samson Option - He's decided to take the stand and give testimony.
This is going to be good.
>Samuel Benjamin Bankman-Fried
>Sam, with the powerful hair
>Samson Option - He's decided to take the stand and give testimony.
>This is going to be good.
just sayin
So it is. Tomorrow will be the day we bring this mother fucker down.
>Don't understand why they're making a big deal about this guy. He'll disappear in prison and end up in Israel. He was a good Sayanim and helped destroy the PetroDollar.
Creditor anons know. Bigger than anyone can imagine.