> aftershave
Kek. WifeAnon and I were talking about all the "colon memes" from a few years back, just a couple of days ago. You just made me spit up my covfefe!
> aftershave
Kek. WifeAnon and I were talking about all the "colon memes" from a few years back, just a couple of days ago. You just made me spit up my covfefe!
I got a better question, Anon. Why is this account linked to all the "alt-right" provocateur accounts? Musk, Kanekoa, Zuby, Sacks, Cramer, McCarthy, Jordan, Squawk, etc.
The shooter's twitter is a scraper bot and this whole thing was given to us, this time, wrapped up in a bow.
I know this is going to get whisked to the ether by Dart, Rat or someone else, but is it just me or does Card just exude the physical characteristics of a Jewish person? Nose, eyes, beard, etc.
Just making observations, but a war in Gaza/Israel is NOT popular in the US, no matter how they want to spin it. It's awfully convenient this happened the day a "firebrand Trump supporter" (tm) was elected speaker and in the same area of the "mass shooting" (tm), a "minor" was caught driving without a license (no tracking) in a car with a "loaded firearm" and "drum magazines."
Sounds more like the original operative blew his wad early, so the handler had to come in to finish the job.
I was referring to the kid they caught before he could complete his op. The "Army Reservist" is a made up character so the Cabal (tm) can attempt to disarm American vets via legislation.
>Has congress given money to Israel yet?
Not yet. Be patient, Anon. Johnson just swore fealty again to Israel. These things take time. Kek.
We'll never know. He's a minor, so therefore, he has to be protected, since he "doesn't know his rights" or whatever bullshit story they want to make up to memory-hole his blowing his op. Hence why he was "driving without a license." Driver's licenses leave paper trails.
It's the same reason Blinken just allowed Jews from Israel to come to America without visas. No paper trails.
Floyd will be a forever martyr. That will never change now. Chauvin may get exonerated, but he's still fucked forever. At this point in time if every single person in the world isn't questioning anything and everything said by every media outlet, government, business, education system, et al in any sort of capacity, we're all fucked.
Just an opine, but Israel is and was always the keystone. That's why they were "saved for last." Whatever happens in the future, all the timelines converge in Israel. The Middle East is about to mow through Israel (and us) like cockroaches. This is the precipice.
Kek. I laugh when I see all these De LaRocha memes. Fuckers have no idea how much of a communist faggot he was back in the 90s.
Indeed. I remember when this happened. Almost reenlisted. Only reason I didn't, was due to a Hebrew I've known since childhood. He was the first one to tell me that it was Israel.
Don't understand why they're making a big deal about this guy. He'll disappear in prison and end up in Israel. He was a good Sayanim and helped destroy the PetroDollar.
>Why the standing ovation for military aid to Israel?
To ensure the masters know who our Representatives swear fealty to.
Pssh. Please. That's an image grab. I have more important things to do than to stroke Jewish ego.
Really now? So trading one form of bondage for another? That's our only option?
Kek. He's naming them, without naming them. He knows what's up. Jewish Judge. Jewish Witness. Jewish Writer.
People are putting it together and noticing.
Nuff said.