>>19807812 lb
The whole area is segregated big times
So in the Palestinian side you have three main religions that rarely mix and intermarry, you have Christians, Muslims and Druz
On the Israel side you have far more segregation that rarely intermary and rarely mix, you have the ashkenazi (khazars) mostly European Germans, you have the spharadi (original Jews that where in the area and speak Arabic and love the Palestinians), you have orthodox very religious Jews (dont serve in the army and hated by the Jews who serve in the army) then you have the different people they brought from Russia, and other places
Every fucking group think they are God chosen ones including Christians and Palestinian
It takes a lot of spiritual fortitude to get over the filth programming and break the curse that was placed on that land
On the street people are people and just want to live in peace but fuckery keeps interjecting on a daily basis
The stress and trauma on both sides is beyond