Anonymous ID: 172e3e June 30, 2018, 10:57 p.m. No.1981038   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1055 >>1058 >>1188



were you guys here back in like, november, this night specifically (see pic), where we started putting




assorted characters above our posts to tell which posts were anons, because there were SOO MANY BOTS.


and within fucking 5 minutes, the bots were mirroring symbols at the top?

Anonymous ID: 172e3e June 30, 2018, 11:14 p.m. No.1981171   🗄️.is 🔗kun


yeaaa boi!


mine was from 3 nights earler, 4got to attach pic


this was on 11/4, and in the midst of it, Q posted "Q+"


Blessings to All Anons questing for Truth.


Vincit Omnia Veritas

Cras Es Noster

Deus Vult

Anonymous ID: 172e3e June 30, 2018, 11:48 p.m. No.1981414   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1441 >>1447 >>1455 >>1458 >>1462 >>1467 >>1488 >>1556 >>1585 >>1610 >>1613 >>1633

sheeeeeeeit, whats up my Bruddhas and Sistas.


My fellow Boyim Goyim.


I am soon to retire for the evening, but i wanted to just let some stuff out to you guys, because youre the best thing since sliced bread.


Oh wait, this is the bread. THE literal bread, that is saving the world. One could say, this is a most holy communion. Like, we are bruddhas and sistas communing together with the shared intention of questing for ultimate Truth….or like….well,


you know

the baker's dough.




As an esoteric kekist, having studied Kabbalah, Taoism, Buddhism rather in depth over the past 5 years, while managing not to completely stray from my christian roots, and integrating the philosophies presented in each, when it all began, on that fateful of October 28(29?) 2017, less than a month after the Mandalay Bay (4 Seasons Las Vegas) shooting, it was…….a moment of intense synchronicity, of which i had been already experiencing in increasing rates since starting down my spiritual journey.


I first got to the chans during the 2016 election and right away the relation of Pepe/Kek, and digits, etc, a sort of "internet gematria", caught my attention, and was cool.


But with the "QEK: 77777777: Trump will win" GET, that really caught my attention. Then Trump actually won, something i didnt even think was possible, i figured Soros and the cabal surely had a fucking sinister plan to make sure it was absolutely impossible for him to win.


But Trump won.


Part of me wonders if Q team, and their pals, enacted some massive counter measures that night, or if a literal "Act of God" miracle, where our collective intention shifted the primordial chaos of Infinity just enough that our collective Being thwarted their plans.




i say all this to say, SYNCHRONICITY is some epic shit.


MAGICK,(basically, the miraculous) especially when one understands CHAOS/ORDER, TRUTH, SELFLESSNESS, is real.


We are miraculous beings.

We are simply, Being.


Moses is said to have asked God his name.

God is said to have replied "ehyeh asher ehyeh" (I Am That I Am).



(c o n d e n s e d) : Being


Simply, Being.



MEME MAGICK is not a joke. it is real.


"Kek" is the "primordial chaos" working in our favor, because "Where We Go (One) We Go (All)"


(I) Am

(We) Are

(You) Are

Truth, Light, Order, rising from (primordial)darkness.


"Kek"/"Primordial Chaos"/"Ein Sof"

Is essentially something akin to the infinite quantum field, where literally Everything, and Anything exist, literally Every (all of the) time, literally Everywhere, and Anywhere.


with one exception


this "existence" is in a realm/form of Pure* Possibility, Probability, Potentiality. This is why the symbols for "primordial chaos" (tohu wa bohu) are things such as "water" and darkness.


The "darkness" (primordial chaos) holds EVERY SINGLE POSSIBLE AND PROBABLE (infinitely) potential within The Infinite Eternal,


(We) are the Light.

(All) is the Light.

(You) are the Light.

(Order) is the Light.


The first spark within the infinite expanse of "darkness" is what we call "True Love"


which we will define as: "Peaceful Acceptance of All Possibilities"


For literally anything within infinity to manifest and Be, this must be the first state of Being.


Infinite Pure Potential (primordial chaos) is the ground of Being, Being is the ground of Love, Love is the ground of (Us).


This is (You)

This is (We)

This is (Us)

This is (All)

Anonymous ID: 172e3e June 30, 2018, 11:56 p.m. No.1981467   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1481 >>1489 >>1494 >>1505 >>1522 >>1541 >>1610







what many call "God" is merely "Truth", capital T, philosophical, Truth. Truth is "Order".


"God" is Truth through Love

Truth is Balance through Composure

"Love" is True Faith through True Hope.


Truth, defined is "The state or quality of being true" wow, sounds pretty circular?


Balance defined is "a condition in which different (All) elements are equal or in the correct proportions, enabling someone or something to stand on its own.


Composure is "the state or feeling of Being calm and in full control of oneself"


Truth is "That which is Balanced and able to stand on its own, while being Composed and in full control of ItSelf"


"True Hope" is a belief that THE GREATEST POSSIBLE OUTCOME is indeed possible, plausible even.


the GREATEST POSSIBLE OUTCOME is that we cleanse the world of darkness peacefully, that our internet stays on, and that our power stays on. that marshall law DOESNT HAVE to be instated, that normies EASILY ACCEPT the redpills, and that everyone comes to TRUTH and PEACE.


"True Faith" is Trust in the unseen, unknown/unknowable. aka "Kek", Kek is "primordial chaos" which is a principle found in every esoteric tradition. Primordial chaos can be described as "a quantum sea of infinite probability" & "infinite undifferentiated potential"


"God" is Truth through Love, anon.


With a pure and selfless intention, ask "The Universe" ask "All Things" to reveal Truth to you, and to the whole world.


i love all of you guys here,

Anonymous ID: 172e3e July 1, 2018, 12:18 a.m. No.1981610   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1649 >>1659




a write:


what is the mundane?

more of the same,

the day to day?

Is this not all we have?

earth, rock, dirt and grass?

fire, water, streams of conscious energy?

the inward pull of gravity?

earth, rock, dirt and grass

allow the question to be asked

what is the mundane?

that gnawing in your veins.

iron, blood and oxygen

coalesce to reminisce on times when

all was just

star dust.


what is the miraculous?

if not more of the same

this day this day

children play in grass and dirt

spinning with the Earth,

some distance in an omniverse.

Distant far off galaxies,

delicate sweet gravity.

All of Us




Has not the Kingdome come?

Are not all things One?

Have we all grown so blind, deaf, and dumb?


The Ordered Chaos of it All

The sound a tree makes in a silent forest as it falls.

The wind beneath the eagle's wings,

The math behind the music when she softly sings.

An infinite vibration of quantum strings,

old hymnal's on a sunday morning.

Is this not all a single lovely harmony?


Does Heaven not surround you?

mountain haze and morning dew.

sunrises in the rearview.

acquantaince and companionship

short springtime roadtrips.

How is

all of this

anything short of pure bliss?


so what of work, and hurt, and toil,

Are we more than wet, organized soil?

would you say there is a soul?

would you say you have control?


And what of precious time?

Where is yours, and when is mine?


is any of this allowed

to be so?

and what would it mean to truly know?


Can we really say

anything is mundane

when All of Us





my Bruddha, why do our own brethren concern troll us?



Always, in All Ways.