Anonymous ID: 42d6d0 June 30, 2018, 11:22 p.m. No.1981236   🗄️.is 🔗kun



This is starting ti be a habit for those guys

Every time they try to get something to flare up

It blows back in their faces

And then fizzles.


We need a 3 strikes and you're out

For these kinds of of offenses

After the third one

You go to a mental institution

And stay until you are cured

We have identified a LOT of therapists

Who have experience in advanced mental therapies

That really work well

From MK Ultra to Plus Ultra

Anonymous ID: 42d6d0 June 30, 2018, 11:38 p.m. No.1981343   🗄️.is 🔗kun



Remember that stories like Peter Pan, Wizard of Oz, Alice in Wonderland, were all being used as an integral part of the mind shattering and programming of Illuminati bloodline children. But what about the German speaking royal families? They were also satanists so they also needed specially constructed fairy tales to use in training their members. I expect that is what the Magic Flute and perhaps the Nutcracker really were.

Anonymous ID: 42d6d0 June 30, 2018, 11:53 p.m. No.1981454   🗄️.is 🔗kun



They've always been the hardest mind control slaves to handle

Because of the arrogant tough guy image, it is harder to keep them under control, doing what their master orders. And this is a tough business. When you are a slave to a satanist master and you don't obey orders, your master gets more brownie points from offering you as a sacrifice to Satan.


In any case, the music still sells, the master gets his money, and he can put his attention into a newer slave who will fill up any gap in the market caused by the fact that dead guys don't realease anything new and fresh.


Also, some of these slaves know too much and now is the time when the masters do not want slaves who might be legal witnesses against them. There is so much sadism in rap music that they must etc that out in their orgies, fucking young boys to death or whatever. This is one of the sickest corners of a sick business.

Anonymous ID: 42d6d0 July 1, 2018, 12:18 a.m. No.1981609   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1659



So a restaurant employee kicks out someone wearing a MAGA hat, then the owner fires them, and now liberals are trying to destroy the restaurant with bad reviews on Yelp.


However there are some wrinkles.

A. It's in Canada

B. The teahouse in Stanley Park is a historic place that has been there since Vancouver, British Columbia was the last British colony in America. It joined Canada in 1870 or so.

C. The place attracts the kind of people who value tradition not oddball Internet sites

D. There is really no other restaurant in this HUGE park that looks like wild forest with scattered lawns here an there. Look at it on Google Satellite view seriously.

E. The people of Vancouver don't really look at American sites like YELP to choose restaurants. We have our own local sites.


So how would this destroy it?

Canadians in general do not care much about what goes on in American politics. Trump supporters are really the only exception I have seen to that rule.


Presumably Trump supporters will rush to book tables in support of the owner and the restaurant will make lots of money.