The Palis are moar semite than the Euro Jew immigrants that make up Israel's majority Jewish population.
What about all the antisemitism displayed by Jews that want Gaza wiped out?
The Palis are moar semite than the Euro Jew immigrants that make up Israel's majority Jewish population.
What about all the antisemitism displayed by Jews that want Gaza wiped out?
Why can't they just say Anti-Jew?
That's what they really mean 99% of the time they say anitsemitic.
Quadly, there are plenty of words in the dictionary that are used incorrectly.
The only legit use of anti-semitic is when you hate everybody from that part of the world.
Why is it so hard to say someone is being anti-Jew?
Why is it so important to say anti-semitic instead?
>Was fully prepared to walk away.
That's the key to relationships of all types.
Easier said than done, but that's the position one should strive to be in as much as possible.
kek the butthurt she has caused some on this board is off the charts already
>we're on to you even when we're under you
Says it all about how the sexual marketplace operates these days.
Fellas, don't simp, for you own good just don't.