Anonymous ID: d313fb Oct. 26, 2023, 4:29 p.m. No.19808740   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8780 >>8816


two-minute hate speech


A friendly reminder:

They lied about Hillary's emails.

They lied about her illegal server.

They lied about Jeffrey Epstein's suicide.

They lied about Epstein's client list.

They lied about Russian collusion.

They lied to obtain a FISA Warrant.

They lied about spying on Donald J. Trump .

They lied about Hunter's laptop.

They lied about bribing Twitter.

They lied about the FBI stomping on the 1st Amendment.

They lied about the Mar-A-Lago raid.

They lied about the FBI & Gretchen Whitmer.

They lied about more votes than Obama.

They lied about January 6th.

They lied about election integrity.

They lied about the border.

They lied about the border wall.

They lied about 2 weeks to "flatten the curve".

They lied about masks.

They lied about the lockdowns.

They lied about the Wuhan China lab.

They lied about gain of function research.

They lied about covid deaths.

They lied about ivermectin.

They lied about vaccinating children.

They lied about Andrew Cuomo.

They lied about Anthony Fauci.

They lied about social distancing.

They lied about the economy.

They lied about the Ukrainian proxy war with Russia.

They lied about the funding of Ukraine.

They lied about the Wuhan China-style labs in Ukraine.


When Joe Biden said, "We need to protect the vaccinated from the unvaccinated."


Here is your daily reminder that America has been a Banana Republic ever since the CIA murdered JFK and installed LBJ.


Except for Donald J. Trump every single POTUS (Republican OR Democrat) since the assassination of JFK has been installed and/or manipulated by the CIA. Even Donald Trump was manipulated by the CIA.


Former President Dwight David Eisenhower tried to warn us and his successor JFK about what he called "the rising military-industrial complex". John F. Kennedy felt betrayed by the CIA after they lied to him about the Bay of Pigs. The speech JFK gave at American University soon afterward cost him his life. JFK pledged to dismantle the CIA. Later, the CIA murdered his brother, Bobby Kennedy when his presidential campaign started gaining steam because he was a threat to their power.

(JFK's brain has been missing ever since his autopsy. Google it for yourself)



Anonymous ID: d313fb Oct. 26, 2023, 4:31 p.m. No.19808752   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8759 >>8816


Former POTUS, George Herbert Walker Bush was ALSO the former head of the CIA. For the longest time, I couldn't figure out why he didn't seem very upset when he lost to Bill Clinton, who was an unknown governor of perhaps the poorest state in the United States until I remembered the Iran-Contra scandal that involved Oliver North and the training of the Contra rebels in the state of Arkansas while Bill Clinton was governor.


(it's hardly a documentary, but watch the Tom Cruise movie American Made) The CIA needed Bill's help to try to keep a lid on that trash can and keep it out of the public eye and local knowledge.

(Google: the Iran CONTRA Affair)


The Clinton crime family has been under CIA protection for decades. No wonder Bill Clinton feels like he can be a serial rapist and Epstein pedophile Island frequent flyer and not face any consequences! (Bill Clinton flew to Epstein's Island 26 TIMES!)

The CIA swamp knew the American people would rise if we discovered their plot to steal the 2020 election. That's why they used a virus to keep us locked down, which also allowed them to flood the election with tens of millions of unsecured, unsolicited, unverifiable, easily ballot-harvestable paper ballots.


That's also why the FBI Nazis stirred the pot on January 6th to create the appearance that they were the ones protecting democracy. The swamp needed an insurrection and when they didn't get one they created the appearance of one.


Only one person was murdered on January 6th. Her name is Ashli Babbitt, her behavior on January 6th was horrible, but she did not deserve to be publicly executed for it. (FACT: the Wuhan China lab was funded with American tax dollars)

The FBI also hatched the scheme to kidnap Michigan Governor Gretchen Whitmer to create more anti-Trump pre-election headlines and sentiment. There were more FBI-connected people involved in that kidnapping attempt than the number of perpetrators they convicted of the crime. The whole thing was a setup.


It is also an easily verifiable fact that Operation Crossfire Hurricane was hatched by the swamp to justify obtaining an illegal FISA warrant to spy on candidate Trump before the 2016 election. Since then, the judge who signed off on the illegally obtained warrant has retired and the attorney who altered the evidence showing the source of the information was NOT a CIA informant when he WAS a CIA informant RECEIVED NO PUNISHMENT WHATSOEVER.

(GOOGLE: Kevin Clinesmith)


Thanks to Elon Musk we know for a FACT the FBI used $3.4 million OF OUR TAX DOLLARS to stomp on the first amendment BRIBING Twitter to suppress the Hunter Biden laptop story. Google it for yourself! (Yes Twitter is a private company and First Amendment rules do not apply, BUT THEY ALWAYS APPLY TO THE FBI. (THE FBI VIOLATED THE FIRST AMENDMENT AND NO ONE IS BEING PUNISHED FOR IT!)


If that's not election interference I don't know what the hell is.



Anonymous ID: d313fb Oct. 26, 2023, 4:32 p.m. No.19808759   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8816




Facebook also censored Hunter Biden's laptop A FULL YEAR BEFORE THE ELECTION at the direction of the FBI!



The American people are no longer in control and the swamp will do anything in their power to keep Donald J. Trump out of the White House. They simply must protect Epstein's client list at all costs even if it means murdering millions of people worldwide by releasing a virus from a lab that was funded with our tax dollars in the first place!


I'm so disappointed in Mike Pence's siding with the swamp, especially since he knows the truth.

Even though the Democratic party has completely lost its mind and seems split between being controlled by socialists, social justice warriors, AND the CIA-controlled SWAMP, it's no longer about and probably NEVER has been about Republicans versus Democrats.

Thanks to Donald J. Trump the curtain has been pulled back and we now see the CIA-controlled swamp (which also controls mainstream media) for what it is.


Although there is a little bit of boiling frog syndrome happening, I'm embarrassed that it took me so long to see what has been right in front of my face most of my life. The actual evidence and the anecdotal evidence is overwhelming.

The American people have not been in control of our government for 60 years!


For clarity: I do not consider Donald Trump some type of Messiah. I think he behaves like a jackass quite often, but I have no doubt whatsoever he loves America more than most members of Congress Republican or Democrat.

The 2024 presidential election comes down to two choices:

Donald J. Trump or the oppressive CIA-controlled Uni-Party Swamp that is weaponizing our government against the American people right in front of our faces and entangling America and the world in senseless violence and wars using our tax dollars often on both sides of the conflict!


It's just that simple.

I'll take a results-oriented jackass over a swamp-installed puppet supported by Stockholm Syndrome suffering lemmings any day.

Sadly, my willfully ignorant Democratic Party-supporting friends and family members refuse to wake up and will blindly vote for the CIA Uni-Party puppet Joe Biden anyway.


In their defense, it took me decades to see what was right in front of my face.

We've all been lied to for decades. It's time to make a stand.



Anonymous ID: d313fb Oct. 26, 2023, 4:34 p.m. No.19808778   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8821

Mar 3 2019 01:10:02 (EST)

Anonymous ID: ef073f No.5477043 📁

Mar 3 2019 01:07:25 (EST)



Q was POTUS recruited later in campaign? According to this timeline DJT was a loose cannon


Think formation of the Freedom Caucus.

Think Freedom Caucus today.

Think Jim Jordan.

Think Mark Meadows.

