HRC appearance at Grammy's along with the clowns reading FnF was their desperate attempt to a) use a national platform like the Grammy's to feed them BS and keep them in the dark. b) to leave them with negative things about POTUS before SOTU and distract from the storm that is coming this and the weeks ahead. Jay Z was a distraction, the sheep will be screaming about his snub keeping them distracted. As for MW going on BET, another strategic platform, again to spin to the black voters to try to regain the hold they lost and are continuing to lose as people wake up. As for the MSM narrative it is like wheel of fortune, pathetic really. When Q says these people are losers and stupid and evil, he is soooooo right. Their biggest FEAR is the people tired of this shitshow and taking back are country! They know they are losing in a losing battle cause we finally have a president who is actually for working for us and with us! Sorry to rant. Thank you anons for all of the hard work and dedication. God Bless You!