Anons, was just watching the first episode of Fox's "Scandalous," starring GUESS WHO: The fucking Clintons. I was still single-digit age when this occurred, but perhaps some of the older or more researched anons can weigh in on this. Couple key things (not sure if we've gone into any of this stuff, apologize for any repeats but I think it may shed some new light on where/what to dig).
The redundancy of the nature of the scandals involving the Clintons is absolutely nauseating. DECADES OF ON THE RECORD SCANDALS! This is nothing more than ongoing criminal activity that, SOME CRAZY HOW is STILL being overlooked and dismissed! Unreal! It's literally the mid-90s all over again, but this time on a much larger, scarier, global scale. Maybe going back in time will help us connect more dots and add more legs to our investigation. Future proves past! Here's some key names and things to look into:
*it's also interesting to note that the first episode of the series states "This is the story of the greatest scandal in American political history." For some reason, I feel like the later episodes will catch us up to present- day. The fact that it's produced by Fox and the timing of the release of the show seems a little too perfect for me. Anyways, enough commentary. Here's what we need to dig:
-Whitewater, Arkansas Scandal (shady land deals)
-Madison Guaranty Savings & Loan
The Strange Death of Vincent Foster
-"The Arkansas Project"
-"Trooper Gate;"
-Paula Jones and the sexual assault allegations/Excelsior Hotel-→>Jones v. Clinton (Who financed the lawsuit? Why did they keep it secret then?)
-Jim Macdougal
-Rose Law Firm
-Webb Hubble resignation
-Hillary Clinton's solo press conference RE Whitewater-→OPTICS!!!
-Sen. Bob Dole's role in the investigations-→Congressional Gold Medal recipient a week ago. Coincidence?
-Removal of Fiske as independent investigator at a key time during the Whitewater investigation. Who was he replaced with? Why? Who is Ken Starr?
-Contract for America.
-OKC bombing False Flag
One last thing that got my attention: when the government was shutdown and employees were in furlough, the unpaid interns working in the White House at the time picked up extra job duties such as answering phones and "DELIVERING PIZZA" to White House/Congressional employees who were still working! I'm sorry, but something about the connection of the Clintons, the Shutdown, unpaid interns, and pizza…maybe I'm reaching. Maybe not. Can some brilliant anon obtain as comprehensive a list as possible of all the interns/noteworthy staff members who remained working inside the White House during the shutdown of '95?