Anonymous ID: a4739d Oct. 27, 2023, 4:18 p.m. No.19813379   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3439 >>3447


(Jack says Putin has died five times during this war! And many times in the 2000s, 2018 and 2020. Kek!Article is too long to post)

27 Oct, 2023 20:30


'Putin has died of a heart attack': Inside the Western media's 'intelligence sources' and their fake news about Russia


Where does the Anglo-American propaganda machine get its nonsense stories about the president’s health?

Western media is again spreading rumors about a sudden deterioration in the health of Russian President Vladimir Putin, and even his possible death. The source of these rumors is an anonymous Telegram channelallegedly linked to Valery Solovey, a notorious conspiracy theorist.


The Kremlin regularly dismisses such statements as false and the president appears to be in good shape. Moreover, no one can find any proof that Putin's health is in danger. Meanwhile, as the scandalous “insider information” continues to spread, its sources fail to become any more credible.


So how did a Russian hoaxer and conspiracy theorist become a source of “sensational world news?”


Journalistic standards

On Friday, The Daily Mail published an article with the scandalous title: “Vladimir Putin is NOT dead: Kremlin issues extraordinary denial to 'lies' that Russian tyrant, 71, 'died at his luxury Valdai forest palace' – amid claims a 'coup' was underway in Moscow.”


The Daily Mail referred to an anonymous Telegram channel that had spread information about the death of the Russian president the day before, and said that Kremlin Press Secretary Dmitry Peskov,“told state media RIA Novosti that the report was an 'absurd information canard [yarn]'.”


In fact, Peskov did not comment on these rumorsand there is no such story on the RIA Novosti website. Just like the “news” of Vladimir Putin's death, Peskov's “comment” was distributed through anonymous Telegram channels. However, for the Western media, this piece of fake news provided a reason to publish unconfirmed nonsense.


All of the above is hardly surprising, since that same week, British media spread rumors that Vladimir Putin's health had significantly deteriorated. The Mirror was the first publication to claim last weekend that the Russian president had suffered cardiac arrest and had to be resuscitated. This story also appeared in other publications such as the Daily Express, Sky News Australia, and others.


Similar stories appeared in the Western press one after another. This eventually forced the Russian president’s press secretary to indeed comment. On Tuesday, Peskov said that the rumors about Putin's health problems were groundless.


“He is fine, this is absolutely another false yarn,” he said.


The official refutation, however, has not altered the Western media’s editorial policy. Making the same mistake, journalists continue to quote a channel which has repeatedly demonstrated that its “insider information” is completely unfounded.


Rumors from “General SVR”

The source regularly cited by Western media is the General SVR Telegram account (SVR is Russian acronym for Foreign Intelligence Service — RT). It was created in the fall of 2020 and immediately started posting about Putin's alleged poor health.


On Thursday evening, it posted the following message: “Russian President Vladimir Putin died tonight at his Valdai residence. At 20:42 Moscow time, doctors stopped resuscitation attempts and pronounced him dead. Now doctors are locked in the room with Putin's corpse, they are being held by the President’s security service <…>Security measures [to protect] the President's body double have been strengthened. Active negotiations are underway. Any attempt to pass off the double as the President after Putin's death will [lead to] a coup.”


On Monday, General SVR wrote that on the evening of October 22, Putin's security service officers who were on duty at his residence heard a noise and the sound of a fall coming from his bedroom. When they arrived, they allegedly saw Putin lying on the floor near the bed, and next to him there was an overturned table with food and drinks.


“Doctors performed resuscitation, having preliminarily diagnosed cardiac arrest. Help was provided on time, the [doctors] restarted his heart and Putin regained consciousness. <…This case of cardiac arrest seriously alarmed the president's inner circle, despite the fact that the attending doctors have warned that Putin is doing very badly and is unlikely to survive until the end of the fall,” the post says.


General SVR regularly claims that the Kremlin has hired body doubles to represent him in public. The channel’s administrator claims that he has “connections” in law enforcement agencies….

Anonymous ID: a4739d Oct. 27, 2023, 4:29 p.m. No.19813477   🗄️.is 🔗kun

27 Oct, 2023 22:09

Lukashenko names Ukraine’s biggest problem

Kiev needs to sue for peace before it is too late, the leader of Belarus has said


“Wise men” in Kiev should call for a truce and negotiate before they lose everything, becauseUkraine is running out of fighting men, Belarusian President Alexander Lukashenko said on Friday.


“The most dangerous thing for Ukraine is that it will have weapons, but no one to use them,”Lukashenko told reporters in Minsk, when asked about the conflict on his southern border. “We’ve seen what has happened there. At the start, these, you know, ideological people – these nationalists – they fought. Where are they?Practically all of them have died or been crippled.”


The authorities are now rounding up men on the street and sending them to the front without any training, the Belarusian president added. These conscripts end up stuck between the fortified Russian lines and the Ukrainian “barrier troops” preventing them from retreating.


“People are fleeing from Ukraine, no one wants to fight,” Lukashenko added.


Ukrainian President Vladimir Zelensky purged all mobilization departments in August, after Kiev’s security service SBU said it had discovered a network selling fake medical exemptions in a dozen regions in the country. Official Ukrainian sources said almost 20,000 men have been detained in attempting to leave the country rather than get drafted into the army.


The grand Ukrainian offensive launched in June failed to breach any Russian defenses in Zaporozhye while losing an estimated 90,000 men and thousands of pieces of equipment provided by the West. Russian forces are now counterattacking across the entire front.


Kiev has also voiced concerns that it might run out of ammunition in 2024, with Ukrainian officials noting that eventhe entire Western military-industrial complex can’t cope with their requirements.


American help won’t last forever, so if they’re smart, the Ukrainians would sit down and negotiate with the Russians, Lukashenko told the reporters.


“Negotiate. About what? About land and peace,” the Belarusian president said. Any territorial issues – such as Donbass or Crimea – can be brought up at the negotiating table “so people don’t keep dying,” he added.


This is not the first time Lukashenko has warned Ukraine about the perils of intransigence. In a lengthy interview with Ukrainian journalist Diana Panchenko in August, he warned Kiev that if they keep insisting on fighting for Donbass, Zaporozhye, Kherson, and Crimea, they may well lose Odessa, Nikolaev, Kharkov, and who knows what else.


Ukraine may “cease to exist” if the conflict goes on for much longer, Lukashenko said at the time, urging Kiev “to end the war.”


(Lukashenko is delivering a message from Putin, Zelensky and Kiev should listen!)