Anonymous ID: b3c46b Oct. 27, 2023, 4:49 p.m. No.19813585   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3614

'' Bigger Issues – Suspect Cesar Sayoc Writes Letter to Judge Denying Packages "could have worked"…''

April 6, 2019

Not A Tick Tock


'' Everything about last year’s headline story just two weeks before the mid-term election was weird; including the refusal of the FBI to state what ‘specifically’ was the material suspect Cesar Sayoc was accused of using to create his Acme-looking pipe bombs.'' [Full Indictment Here]


You might remember: FBI Director Christopher Wray outlined during his remarks that the devices consisted of PVC pipe, clocks, batteries, wiring, and “energetic material that can become combustible when subjected to heat or friction”.


The FBI director went out of his way to state: “These were not hoax devices.” '' The DOJ case, which took place in New York’s Southern District (SDNY) then moved to seal all court filings and the case against the nut continued behind the curtain of ‘national security’. '' Suspect Cesar Sayoc was scheduled to go on trial this summer on charges relating to the pipe bombs. However, on March 21st, he entered a guilty plea before a federal judge in New York.


In a new development, Cesar Sayoc has written a letter to the judge (full pdf below) trying to walk back the statements put before him by lawyers in his guilty plea. Obviously, Mr. Sayoc is a person of unstable disposition, but his written statements speak to the nature of issues that have always seemed rather odd.


Here is his letter:


Also, according to this article there are two letters. I can only find one:


[…] In letters filed on the court docket by U.S. District Judge Jed Rakoff, Sayoc indicated that he wanted to change his answers to questions about the bombs he sent, whether they were lethal, and whether he intended harm or knew his devices could kill people.

During his guilty plea, Sayoc said he was “aware of the risk that it would explode” even though he only intended to intimidate people, but in one letter he told Rakoff, “The devices would never explode or worked. The fireworks were sparkler type.” (more)


Many CTH readers are familiar with legal/political cases we have followed and how evidence within those cases are described by officials and law enforcement.

Sometimes we find carefully selected word assemblies that indicate suspicious motives within the authorship. With that in mind, I would strongly suggest re-reading the original statement by FBI Special Agent David Brown, as he describes the packages and process:



Anonymous ID: b3c46b Oct. 27, 2023, 4:56 p.m. No.19813614   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3656



Something about this entire event stinks to high heaven.


I’m not prone to wild conspiracy theories; and readers here well know our objective: The Truth Has No Agenda”. That said, with an understanding that 40 FBI agents knowingly participated in a two-plus year operation into a Russian election conspiracy-collusion theory that never existed…. there’s something seriously sketchy here.


My suspicion is this entire DOJ/FBI operation against President Trump is much larger, and ended up encompassing many more tentacles, than we are currently aware of.


We know current FBI Director Christopher Wray is in his position specifically because Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein lobbied for him and recommended him to President Trump in 2017. We also know that Wray hired Dana Boente in early 2018 as FBI chief legal counsel. It has always looked like Wray hired Boente specifically because he knew Boente was part of the original team. In essence, Dana Boente could protect the small group interests.


Dana Boente was Acting AG after Sally Yates was fired, and both Rosenstein and Boente signed the July 2017 FISA Title-one surveillance renewal on U.S. person Carter Page. That FISA was for the exploits of Robert Mueller, and the revised ‘scope memo’ followed a few days later (August 2nd).


Now…. stay with me….. Some people have pointed out that Rosenstein and Boente were retained by Trump, during the new administration changeover, as a way to position Rosenstein and Boente in a favorable light. Those same voices have framed the same favorable position toward Robert Mueller. Hopefully, by now, with all the information about Mueller and his corrupt team, that outlook has been abandoned.


We know from interviews given by President Trump that he retained Rosenstein and Boente at the behest of nominated but not confirmed Jeff Sessions. President Trump, following a typical executive business structure, was deferring decisions on deputy positions to his primary cabinet officers. Trump was/is also an outsider and didn’t know all of these people and their skill sets; he relied on advice from those closest to the systems.


With hindsight, we can see an established network objective that never stopped. The post-inaugural goal of removing President Trump was extensive, massively so, and it continues today. Now, I’m going to embed links to back up this next series of statements – please follow them to absorb the larger context.


All research indicates Rod Rosenstein and Robert Mueller were working together immediately after President Trump fired FBI Director James Comey {GO DEEP}.


The May 16th Oval Office meeting was most assuredly a part of this {GO DEEP}.


A review of the activity also shows part of the Mueller/Rosenstein and ‘small group’ plan was to drag out the collusion-conspiracy narrative into the 2018 mid-term election {GO DEEP}.


Taking the House was part of the motive for dragging out the case. That’s also why Rosenstein told President Trump NOT TO declassify the documents and used the ‘obstruction’ threat to accomplish that goal in September 2018 {GO DEEP}


We also know the 19 DOJ lawyers and 40 FBI agents who worked with Mueller were from the original 2016 crew {Go DEEP}.


Now,… is it a ‘conspiracy‘ to see a strong possibility those same DOJ/FBI institutions, who are comprehensively opposed to President Trump; and who also hold a self-interest to avoid their own risk and behavior; would not work in October 2018 to frame a narrative that would help ensure the mid-term election against President Trump?



Anonymous ID: b3c46b Oct. 27, 2023, 5:02 p.m. No.19813656   🗄️.is 🔗kun



If you were part of the corrupt FBI apparatus as described (keep in mind the scale of at least 40 corrupt known agents – likely many more); and you were part of an underlying corrupt DOJ apparatus; it would not be challenging to frame a disturbed and unintelligent Cesar Sayoc toward the election goal that was critical to the long-term impeachment plan; and then bury all the details through the use of the anti-Trump DOJ offices in the SDNY.


'' Who also works in the New York Southern District? ''James Comey's Daughter


Friends, this thing is much bigger than it appears.



Overview of “Spygate” soft coup.

Overview of Barr Letter and how it aligns.

Overview of What’s Inside Mueller Report.

Overview of How Mueller and Rosenstein Started “obstruction case”

Overview of Cesar Sayoc Pleading.

Overview of 19 desperate DOJ lawyers, and 40 FBI Agents.

If you ever have time, just grab a cup of coffee and read through those links above to recent articles CTH has written on the subject. As always all internal citations are embedded for you to make up your own mind. It might take a while, but if you can come up with alternate explanations for the thousands of data-points outlined… let me know.


From our reference point, this conspiracy is very large and very real.



Anonymous ID: b3c46b Oct. 27, 2023, 5:27 p.m. No.19813825   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3834



♦️Trump attacks CNN. Cesar Sayoc sends pipe bombs to CNN.

♦️Trump attacks BLM. Kyle Rittenhouse kills two BLM protesters.

♦️Trump attacks Michigan governor. Men try to kidnap her.

♦️Trump posts Obama’s address on Truth Social. Man arrested near Obama’s home.