Anonymous ID: d993b5 Oct. 27, 2023, 11:13 p.m. No.19815964   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6141


The End Of Zionism: The Death Knell


Ask yourself why did Tel Aviv ignore many warnings about the impending assault from multiple sources and even from Egypt? Why did Mossad actively use Hamas in Syria, and now declared it public enemy # one? Why did they cut off the Iron Dome days before the attack? Did you know the Hamas attack is directly related to Israel’s inability to form its new budget for 2024? Now do you understand why they are trying to get Washington to send Aid? Remember I told you all that our government exist solely to prop up the state of Israel?


No money is being sent to Bibi Netanyahu. No Aid. No budget. The government is on their own.


So I do not know why people get excited because Jim Jordan said he is not sending any money to Ukraine. He said nothing about not sending anything to Israel. Why? Because sending money to them is still sending money to Ukraine. How? Because Khazarians occupy Israel the same way they did Ukraine before Vladimir Putin removed them. So what are they trying to forcefully do now? Remove Palestinians so who can take over that territory? The Khazarians.


So the only person who is fit to be SOTH at this time is Donald Trump. You all Nerd to understand where we are in this game. Bibi Netanyahu is on his way out. He is the Master Mind behind most terrorist attacks. Foreign & Domestic. He controls Mossad. He controls Hamas. He controls Zionist. What did Joe Biden refer to himself as in an interview? A Zionist. How can you serve a country when your allegiance is to a foreign one?


Did we already forget that most of Washington has dual citizenship with Israel? Israel/Mossad uses this classic example of Roman Law.


"You have money, and we have debts, and you attacked us… The attacking aggressor eventually gets the debts of the one he attacked through reparations and indemnities…And HAMAS arrived exactly at the right time for the Israeli government". End quote.


Now, the “attack on Israel” stagers have one goal – to draw Iran into conflict, then, to expose it as an aggressor and hang reparations and indemnities on it after the clash ends. Do you all see how slick the Israeli government is? This citizens of Israel want Bibi Netanyahu removed from office. Ask yourselves why do those citizens not see him as this chosen Jew that Clintons & Conservative in the West treat him as? There's a difference between the land & people of Israel. But when you throw a corrupt government on top of that it can separate the two by taking on the identity of people they share no bloodline with.


Which would be the Khazarians in the Israeli government who are outsiders to Israel.


The Medical Industry


The Banking Industry


The Technology Industry


The Government


The Education Field


The Khazarians control every aspect of our lives. Now do you see why we always get the short end of the stick from our so called government representatives? They all work in fields that serve foreign intrest over our own. A corporate government can not exist without a budget. They want to blend the budget of Israel & US. The proposal aims to put a hold on Israel's budget, and by extension, the United States, its longstanding ally, until 2026. Notably, the primary focus remains on Iran, as the only nation currently laying claim to a significant reserve of approximately 125,000 tons of gold, a considerable asset in today's market.


"After 1973, the League of Arab States issues a guarantee for Palestine for the formation of the budget, but it is not interested to pay reparations and indemnities. Iran has not officially entered the war, so remains an option to involve the League on the side of Palestine to set a budget by the end of the year. Now, Israel, in a coalition with the United States, urgently needs to “defeat” Iran and its allies, appoint them to blame, so that the US and Israel hang reparations and indemnities on Tehran and produce budgets until 2026". By Lev


Now you can get a sense of the desperation from Bibi to and his puppets in the US like Ben Shapiro and Jordan Peterson. Along with Laura Loomer as well. This is why it's dangerous for us to listen to these people who have larger political platforms that they build only to be bought out once they reach a certain number of followers. This is why the selection of SOTH-(Speaker of The House) is important for this nation. Ending the conflict and reallocation of resources back to American intrest by establishing a gold standard where all nations will have to stand on their own natural assets to establish a stable currency by using precious metals & minerals. Which is why "The Brics Nations" is dangerous to the Mossad/Khazarians.


Guess who is looking to join? Iraq. This is "The End Game". Once they reinstate their currency it will be the end of one corrupt world and the beginning of a new transparent one.

Anonymous ID: d993b5 Oct. 27, 2023, 11:17 p.m. No.19815982   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5992 >>6141




Film: Adrenochrome


Synopsis- A young American veteran gets involved with some Venice Beach psychos who are killing people to extract a psychedelic compound from their victims' adrenal glands.


Release Date- February 1st 2018


Do you see why they create these films as a form of admission?


Do you see how it is used to also trivialize the subject?


Do you see why you are dismissed as a lunatic when speaking on this topic?


Do you see how this adds more mysticism to serve as an urban legend of folklore?



Anonymous ID: d993b5 Oct. 27, 2023, 11:23 p.m. No.19816002   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6141


On Borrowed Time: The Countdown


Ask yourselves why would the Israeli citizens want Bibi Netanyahu out of office?


What do you think they know about his connections to the terrorist attacks?


What have I revealed to you over the past week that implicates B. Netanyahu into certain events?


Because if you have been paying attention and understanding the questionable actions by the Israeli government leading up to Hamas attacks the answers should be easy.


Why Did Bibi Netanyahu turn off the Iron Dome?


Why did Bibi Ignore intelligence that warned of possible encroachment of Hamas potential attacks 3 days in advance?


Why would you turn off your own security system while in a hostile political environment?


Do you see how critical the situation is? Bibi Netanyahu knows he has only so much time left on the clock. If he doesn't pull off what his Khazarians cronies want they all face exile, expulsion, and execution.


Thanks to an interview that Mike Harris had with VT Senior Editor and Director Gordon Duff on his talk show “The Short End of the Stick” on 3-10-15.


Gordon Duff disclosed that Netanyahu was a KGB spy like Jonathan Pollard. And we know now that Israel was started as a satellite of Bolshevik Russia and was quite unhappy when the Soviet Union fell.


Benjamin Netanyahu was meeting at Finks bar in Jerusalem, a well-known Mossad watering-hole. Here is what he said as taken directly from the transcript of the recording which was witnessed and has been 100% fully authenticated.


Quote: If we get caught they will just replace us with persons of the same cloth. So it doesn’t matter what you do, America is a Golden Calf and we will suck it dry, chop it up, and sell it off piece by piece until there is nothing left but the World’s biggest welfare state that we will create and control. End quote.


~Benjamin Netanyahu.


This is who was behind Covid-19 Lockdowns/Quarantine. Now do you see why they wanted to have you in those restrictions all the way until 2030? Who do you think Bibi Netanyahu wanted to win in 2016? Hillary Clinton. How were they going to turn you into a welfare state?


■ Think about how many businesses were lost during Lockdowns.


■ Think about all the stores that lost their license because they didn't want to implement those Covid-19 policies.


■ Think about all the businesses that required mask to enter.


■ Think about all the places that required vaccination status to access.


• Airports


• Concerts


• School


• Jobs


• Malls


• Restaurants


The Khazarians were behind the following.


Irgun Bombing






Las Vegas Attacks






There is alot more I can list. These Khazarians had plans going all the way back to the 40s on how they would take over Palestine. This is why Hamas was hired. Use them (Hamas) to attack Israeli citizens then blame Palestine.


Get it? All the while being the mastermind behind the attacks on both Israel & Palestine. People have woken up to this all over the world. Why do you think so many celebrities are coming out to defend Palestine?

Anonymous ID: d993b5 Oct. 27, 2023, 11:27 p.m. No.19816018   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6053 >>6141


Sydney Powell: The Election Fraud Case


Looks like "The Kraken" has been released. Unfortunately it's…


• 6 Counts Of Conspiracy


• 6 Years of Probation


• 6,000 dollar fine.


Interesting set of numbers there. Not to mention the Donald Trump in 2020 cutting her off from representing him. Just as he did Rudy Giuliani. Why? Well none of the two were working to rectify anything other than charging D. Trump an exorbitant amount of fees for their services which was not producing anything of value. Were they Torjan Horses? Because D. Trump offered no explanation to the press about why she was removed.


Jenna Ellis


Sydney Powell


Rudy Giuliani


All no longer work for D. Trump. What have we come to fund out about these individuals? R. Giuliani was connected to Isreal Intelligence during 9/11. And sabotaged investigations into site regarding the steel. But that besides the point. Did you notice both J. Ellis & S. Powell both admitted that they intentionally mislead the court on the election fraud of 2020? Do you think it's because they are both moles who were put there to create this illusion that D. Trump is trying to overturn an election that was fair?


"Jenna Ellis, a lawyer who represented President Donald J. Trump after his loss in the 2020 election, admitted in a sworn statement released on Wednesday that she had knowingly misrepresented the facts in several of her public claims that widespread voting fraud led to Mr. Trump’s defeat." End quote.


I think so. Why do you think he has distanced himself from all 3 of them? Remember we are no longer under "The 1871 Corp Act". D. Trump is not trying to re-establish the Maritime (Law of The Sea) that was meant for "Rules of The Sea". Which is was the 2020 election was based on. This Corp Act has been dissolved because of its bankruptcy. Washington DC was under The District of Columbia.


DC, is a Foreign Entity and it is allowed to exist only under Article 1, Section 8, Clause 17 of any Constitution (US or USA). So what does this mean? All of these lawyers who formerly represented D. Trump work for The B.A.R.-(British Accredited Registry). Therfore they are direct enemies of "The New Republic" that will be based on Common Law.


Guess what Sydney Powell pleaded guilty to?


"Only one other Georgia defendant is mentioned by name in Thursday’s plea documents: Misty Hampton, who was the Coffee County elections supervisor during the 2020 election cycle. Powell admits to entering into a criminal conspiracy with Hampton and would be required to testify against her if she goes to trial. Hampton has pleaded not guilty to seven felonies." End quote.


Ask yourself how goofy these people are when documentation that is in books, files, films, court records, voting software, etc. Proves 2020 was stolen? We all know Joe Biden did not get 80+ million votes. But yet you have these two goofball pleading guilty to something that these "Maritime Law Courts" were complicit in especially in these Liberal cities. Michigan admitted that they certified a fraudulent election and didn't have enough votes.


These two were put in by "The Deep State" to make D. Trump look as if he was challenging a Fair & Transparent election process by hiring lawyers he thought was going to help him overturn something that was illegal under the "1871 Corp Act" that has been using rigged voting machines to elect former presidents like Barrack Obama who used foreign aid in his campaign from someone who worked for the CCP that Pras, Leonardo Decaprio, and Jamie Foxx were all connected to.


Do you all understand? D. Trump dumped all 3 of these people for a reason. Yet' you still have people hanging on to these corrupt individuals when the person they want back in office treats them like abandoned step children who live in the basement and has their food slid under the door that was leftovers from last week.


D. Trump activated the EO-13912 for a reason. Which made him what? A War-Time president indefinitely. Which means what? He is still CIC. Why would he want to return to a defunct and bankrupt Corp called the US?


People, leave Sydney Powell alone. She has nothing for you.


Leave Rudy Giuliani alone. He has nothing for you.


Leave Michael Flynn alone. He has nothing for you.


Leave Jim Jordan alone. He has nothing for you.


You all keep begging for an old system to come back that these people work for. Which is under the what again? The bankrupt Washington DC 1871 Corp Act that is designed to rob you. This is why I keep telling you all wait for the official return of "The Gold Standard". That's where the new America is. None of the people mentioned in this post will bring that to you.

Anonymous ID: d993b5 Oct. 27, 2023, 11:31 p.m. No.19816030   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6049 >>6141


Rhetorical Questions For Jim Jordan


Jim Jordan: How do you have an annual salary of 170k but have a networth of 21 million?


Why is your favorite holiday destination (Pedo Capitol) Israel?


Why did you beg an OSU student not to inform authorities about your sexual deviance of masturbsting in showers while students were naked?


Why did you decline to inform your fans why Tucker Carlson brought up your kick backs from Google?


Did you knowingly allow Dr. Strauss to continue to treat athletes and other students at Ohio State, even after being made aware of the allegations against him?


Representative Jordan, your voting record has been heavily influenced by campaign contributions from Big Tech companies like Google and Facebook.


Can you please explain the relationship between you and these tech companies, and how exactly you have been influenced in your decision-making and voting by their money?


Is it a coincidence that you have consistently voted against any regulation and oversight that would hurt their profits and shareholder return, even if that would be in the best interests of the American public?



Anonymous ID: d993b5 Oct. 27, 2023, 11:44 p.m. No.19816068   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6093 >>6097 >>6141


Q'(ue) The Psyop


Subject: Operational Directive Q


Authorization Level: Unknown


From: Command Central (X)


To: Intelligence Unit (You)


Re: Phase Transition & Protocol Implementation


Fellow Operatives,


Trust Grassley 🚫


Trust Wray 🚫


Trust Ballard 🚫


Trust Flynn 🚫


Do you want to know what this actually means?


• They have been caught.


• They have been arrested.


• They have been interrogated.


• They have been shown evidence of their crimes.


They have been more than likely offered a deal.


What would that be? To play their role in "The Sting Operation" and be allowed to have their "Public Reputation" preserved without their legacy being tarnished.


-Their arrest.


-Their conviction.


-Their imprisonment.


-Their execution.


Will all be out of the public eye.


Why do you think when Q' ask you to trust, these people their names are highlighted in "Red"? Doesn't this mean there is some importance other than what is being asked of you to do?


Do you know the equivalent of their names being singled out in the drops is in plain public view? When D. Trump either points to them or publicly acknowledges them. This is how you know the Sting-Op is currently now focused on those people.


Because we are reaching the conclusion of "The Plan" and are headed into the next phase.


Which is what? Officially switching over into the new monetary system. Remember what I told you all before. Washington DC as you know it today is designed to keep the fiat USD afloat.


Why do you think Hamas/Mossad/CIA wants the oil fields and control the entire Middle



■ What keeps the Federal Reserve open? (Fiat USD)


■ What keeps you enslaved? (Fiat USD)


■ What keeps politicians rich? (Fiat USD)


■ What keeps Wars going? (Fiat USD)


■ What keeps human trafficking going? (Fiat USD)


■ What keeps propaganda alive? (Fiat USD)


■ What keeps MSM social issues (ist & ism) going? (Fiat USD)


How? Because Israel/Zionist/Khazars control every aspect of our society. Which is why agains Patrick Buchanan said Washington DC is Israeli Occupied Territory-(IOT).


You all have to understand the US Military did not want you to read those Q-Drops to search for heros. Those were not designed to tell you who the bad/good guys were. It was to nudge you in the right direction as to why you needed to keep an eye on them. Because Q' was not talking to you when he asked you to trust them.


He was talking to people (Authority Figures [ie] Military) who already had incriminating evidence on them and would wonder why they were able to still be in the public eye while all the documentation in the world exist to put them away for good. Because they were just as impatient as you were.


They were watching everything play out wondering what the next move was sense theses criminals were involved in the most heinous acts involving children. Especially Mike Pence.


Why was he allowed to be VP?


Why was Kevin McCarthy allowed to be SOTH?


Why was Tim Ballard allowed to make SOF?


You all actually think only the average Joes & Janes were/are reading those Q-Drops. No! People much smarter than us were as well. Which was why they were really the ones being asked to trust the process by underlining those red names. Every post was not for us.


What are they using to accomplish this goal?


• Mask


• Doppelganger




• Double


• Synthetic Robotoid


• Organic Robotoid


• Clone


Why do you think they keep going back & forth on the SOTH? Jim Jordan pulls out, Steve Scalise comes in. Not enough votes. J. Jordan takes another stab at it with a nomination. What will happen next? Why are the playing musical chairs? Because there is no more fiat USD available to prop up Washington or Ukraine.


Keep in mind Jan Halper stated that Washington (1871 Corp Act) is bankrupt. There currently is no money.


Which is why they are having a hard time trying to figure out how they will money launder money to Israel to help Khazarians take over land in Palestine that doesn't belong to them. Why do you think Bibi Netanyahu stated how good 9/11 was for Israel? Because the current form of Washington exists to prop up the Middle East.


This is why Iraq is so important. When they reinstate their currency they are going to literally save the planet. Because it will spell the official end to Khazarian money schemes operated through the Federal Reserve.


Which is why "The Gold Standard" will set us free. When will be on this new monetary system? The goal is before the year is over.


More details on this another time. Enjoy your day.


10:00 AM · Oct 14, 2023

Anonymous ID: d993b5 Oct. 27, 2023, 11:56 p.m. No.19816088   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6089 >>6108 >>6141


The 1st Shall Be Last & The Last Shall Be 1st


Look around you. Who are the ones that prospered the most (1st) by

"Playing The Game"?


• The Politicians


• The Celebrities


• The Athletes


• The Drug Dealers


• The Corporate CEO


• The Socialites


• The Cool Kids


Who are the ones that came last by not "Playing The Game"


• The Bookworm


• The Quiet One


• The Caring One


• The Considerate One


• The Nerd


• The Christian


• The Trusting One


• The Conservative


• The Religious One


• The Virgin


• The Good Friend


Whoever was outside of the bubbles that came with these aspects of society you were considered lame. You were deemed an outcast. Someone not to be taken seriously. Someone that is walked over and not held in any high regard. Why? Because you cared to much. You thought about other people.


You were not selfish. You were not greedy. You were not power hungry. You were "The Good Friend". The one who put others before your own desires. And you were abused for it. Shamed for it.


You were the 5th wheel.


● Is this not the case now? What happened when you said 9/11 was an inside job?


● What happened when you voted for D. Trump in 2016?


● What happened when you didn't support the BLM & Antifa Riots?


● What happened when you refused to get vaccinated in 2020?


● What happened when you challenged the 2020 election results?


● What happened when you supported Palestine and not Israel in the Hamas attacks?


You were not selfish enough to take on the persona that came with fully embracing the role you had to play in order to survive being at the top or going along with the crowd at whatever cost even if it meant selling your soul. When the Christ Consciousness returns you will be put first. Why?


Because your sacrifice to allow those to prosper at your expense by humbling yourself to a world and realizing your power was not to step on your brethren to get ahead is the embodiment of spiritual principles required to enter a kingdom that celebrates that divinity.


(Philippians 2:3-4 (NIV): "Do nothing out of selfish ambition or vain conceit. Rather, in humility value others above yourselves, not looking to your own interests but each of you to the interests of the others.")


Is this not what "The New Jerusalem" would require in all of us?



Anonymous ID: d993b5 Oct. 27, 2023, 11:56 p.m. No.19816089   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6103 >>6141



Isn't this the real reason why you would want "Christ Consciousness" to return? What do you think Tataria was built on?




Self Service?






Ofcourse not.


You grew in your compassion and in your consciousness, your mistakes became smaller and smaller until you completely put them in the hand of God and let yourself be lead by him. Under the direction of God, your mind is cleansed and you become one with his spirit and mission.


You no longer viewed yourself as a stepping stone to someone else who then turned around and threw them at you out of amusement for a circle of people who did not value anything about you.


(Proverbs 3:5-6 (NIV): "Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways submit to him, and he will make your paths straight)


Christ knew this world was rigged to morally and spiritually bankrupt to exclude his followers. To undermine them and use their goodwill against them. They couldn't imagine themselves submitting to the will, the evil of material and monetary world to get ahead. But many have succumb to its allure. And have abandoned everything about the true testament of what faith is.


It tells you in Matthew 19:30 and 20:16, as well as in Mark 10:31. It is that those who are humble and meek will be elevated, while those who are proud and self-important will be humbled. Look at the list above again. This is why you were chosen for a time like this. Aren't they of "The World"?


In the context of the passages in which it is found, the phrase is often used to describe how God will reward those who follow him, and how those who are considered "great" in the eyes of the world will not necessarily be great in the eyes of God.


The "Service To Self" world is dying. God is pulling you out of this simulation that exalts the unholy above the soul who values God's word above the rewards that come from the man of sin of this world. You can not be bought or compromised with money or gifts. You are clean in spirit. You shall be put 1st in this new world. You have served in righteousness.


The "Service To Others" world is being born. It's not obvious because the material world is so loud. The distractions are so prevalent. But he says hold fast for that which is good. "Do Not Cast Pearl To Swine" meaning don't share things with people who do not want to hear.


In the emergence of the "Service To Others" world, the essence of compassion and empathy is fundamental. It's a realm where the resonance of collective consciousness intertwines, creating a tapestry of interconnected souls attuned to the vibrancy of love and understanding.


As this paradigm shift unfolds, the subtle whisper of inner truth guides those who seek to foster genuine connections and foster a harmonious existence.


Are you ready for this new world?


Amid the clamor of the material world, the call to preserve the sanctity of the soul remains resolute. It beckons the discerning heart to safeguard the purity of intention, to shield the wisdom and insights born of introspection. The metaphorical caution to "Do Not Cast Pearls to Swine" serves as a poignant reminder to cherish and share sacred knowledge, light, and wisdom with those receptive to its transformative power.


~The Dawn Of Renewed Spirits

Anonymous ID: d993b5 Oct. 28, 2023, 12:03 a.m. No.19816107   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6141


Do you know who James Joseph Grazioplene is?


He served in the US Army from 1972 to January 2005. He retired at the rank of major general.


In 2015, an investigation was launched which resulted in Grazioplene being charged in 2018 with incest and multiple counts of raping a minor (His own daughter). His retired grade was then demoted to 2nd lieutenant once he was convicted.


James Grazioplene was named in a report by Adrian J. Wells which included Michael Flynn who was helping the CIA set up torture chambers in 1984. J. Grazioplene was the U.S. Army Soldier that raped Adrian in a New York City Apartment that was possibly owned by Senator Joe Biden.


Adrian J. Wells' dramatic and horrific account of being trafficked and sexually abused by an international child sex trafficking operation run by Jeffrey Epstein, Bill & Hilary Clinton, FBI, military, and Craig Sawman Sawyer (Veterans For Child Rescue).


Adrian also named ASIO - Aus intelligence, Aus military, navy and airforce. All are infested with Satanist & Freemasons and other secret societies.


The military industrial complex and intelligence, Mossad, CIA, FBI, MI6 and ASIO are the institutions that control the puppets in parliament, media, congress or people in powerful positions around the world. Which is why you can never get any real journalism from these media figures whether they are Conservative or Liberal. Both sides are pulling our legs.


Adrian Wells also named General M. Flynn who is as a high level organiser and abuser in the international Satanic trafficking network. A self proclaimed ‘White Hat’ who is actually working for the other side. Which would make plenty of sense given that he had just denounced the very thing (Q) that he built his "Digital Soldier" platform on for years. Now it's a psyop. Something he is dismissing all together.


Many are questioning why now? That's up to them to figure out as followers. As I have done multiple post exposing M. Flynn role in the CIA 5 Eyes plot to take down D. Trump.


Ask yourself why would Michael Flynn & Steve Bannon set up GETTR with a CCP Billionaire? Truth Social, Parler, etc are all set up to control the information flow.


Did you know General Michael T Flynn also registered his business out of Stanley McChrystal‘s house. The same McChrystal who deployed DARPA on US citizens?


Do you remember when Patrick Byrne stated that he would like to see a coalition government headed (Not By D. Trump) Michael Flynn, China, and Susan Rice? I have that video. Flynn & Byrne are very close for all the wrong reasons that deserve a dozen red flags.


What did I tell you all before? People who you think are friends & associates of D. Trump want him gone away from politics. Again ask yourself why did M. Flynn advocate for Palantir Technologies, the Silicon Valley data analysis firm whose biggest customer is the federal government that uses that data to spy on American citizens? Remember, M. Flynn was doing this quietly.


I will have more on this soon. Goodnight.

Anonymous ID: d993b5 Oct. 28, 2023, 12:30 a.m. No.19816173   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6174


The General Grifter: F*ck You Pay Me!


Do you all remember when Michael Flynn and George Papadopoulos were scheduled to speak at a conference organized by a QAnon supporter?


“He and Papadopoulos were scheduled as speakers at the “Digital Soldiers Conference,” which was a 1 day event that happened on September 14 in Atlanta that promised to ready “[p]atriotic social media warriors” for a coming “digital civil war” against “censorship.


The site for the event says that a “majority of proceeds” from it—registration prices ranged from $49 to $2,500 for an “Ultra VIP” pass—went to Flynn’s defense fund. “. Keep in mind that Sydney Powell signed off on this event personally.


Ahhh, those were the days, right? 🤭


Don't you find it funny, D. Trump fired all these people who were allegedly fighting on behalf of the American citizens?


Then you have people out there stating how can Michael Flynn be a bad guy when the FBI was after him? Then I turn around and say… why was Flynn paying an ex FBI official McCauley who claimed quid pro quo w/State's Patrick Kennedy on Clinton email marking


“According to his FARA filings, Flynn paid the ex FBI official Brian McCauley $28,000. Oct & Dec. 5 2016.


Flynn paid McCauley $5k Oct.4, $3k Oct.13, $5k Nov.14, and $15k Dec.5, after he'd already been designated Trump NSA”. Ask yourself why Michael Flynn was so nervous about those emails? Maybe because one of his victims, Adrian J Wells implicated M. Flynn in the "International Child Trafficking Network" that are in those emails and he wanted to ensure certain info remain undisclosed.


By the way did you know M. Flynn is apart of Knights of Malta?


Sovereign Military Order of Malta Knights of Malta: (SMOM)


Edward Robert Martin Jr. (Ed Martin)


John “Jack” Singlaub (Michael Flynn mentor).


(Dame of Malta) Phylis Schlafly- Eagle.


Forum - John Schlafly Mother.


Daniel L. Schlafly - John Schlafly Uncle.


Thomas Schlafly - John Schlafly Cousin.


Let's leave that alone, it's hearsay right? ofcourse.


Hey' remember when M. Flynn famously made a video asking people to take a Q oauth on July 4, 2020. He repeatedly praised and amplified QAnon promoter Tracy Beanz; even promoting her GoFundMe. He was deeply enmeshed in Q. Flynn also appeared at rallies on Dec 12 and Jan 5, of 2021 where he gave a shout out to “QAnon Soldiers.” Roger Stone also addressed the gathering. Remember, I told you all R. Stone is connected directly with Keith Rainer.


Who was involved in what? Human Trafficking. Are you connecting the dots?


Do you all remember that dating site that Michael Flynn launched where the unvaccinated can meet? Guess how much sign up was? 2,500. It was called… "For The Pure". Do not test me. I have the photo. Did you know M. Flynn was the guest of honor at a dinner hosted by an M16 SpyMaster named Richard Dearlove? Did you know Mr. Dearlove was the one who ran the coup against Donald Trump?



Anonymous ID: d993b5 Oct. 28, 2023, 12:30 a.m. No.19816174   🗄️.is 🔗kun




(Fred McFeely Rogers) aka Mister Rodgers a Presbyterian Minister

who quit after "33" seasons.


Anderson Cooper was interviewed on the 33rd year since his brother died.


David Letterman said goodbye after 33 years in late night television.


Harry S. Truman served as the 33rd president. (Grand Master In Freemasonry)


Michael Flynn retires from DIA after serving 33 year army career.


Get it?


We will not bring up the Children's book M. Flynn was selling.


We will not bring up the donation boxes at the Reawaken America Tour.


We will not bring up his speaking fees at seminars.


Why? Because you get the point by now.


Do you all remember Elizabeth Clare Prophet? She was a spiritual leader of the cult Church Universal of Tiumphant Summit Lighthouse which gained notoriety in the late 1980s for its followers’ elaborate preparatio ns for nuclear Armageddon.


The new age movement is a Luciferian cult deception created to bring in One World Control & Religion using well known controlled public figures & technology. Lucis Trust plPublishing is central to its multilayered agenda, diluting & corrupting ancient occult knowledge-based until all that remains is self serve mind control. This is why I asked you all to stop doing those mass meditations.


Why do I bring this up? Because Michael Flynn is a new ager. In one of his speeche, he recited word for word the "new age channeler" Elizabeth Clare Prophet. M. Flynn was head of psy-ops in Afghanistan which was operated by The SCL Group, who later became Cambridge Analytica, a major powerhouse of worldwide mass mind control propoganda for the Black Nobility royal families.




The conservative in "The Truth Movement" can only bring you so far. M. Flynn is basically the roof of that. The buck starts & stops with him. This is why people can not bring themselves to believe other than what he has presented to the public. Michael Aquino taught him well. Remember the Q-Drop that specifically said, "Be careful who you follow. Some are profiting off this movement."?


Well, who was the one making money off of Q' related merchandise? Michael Flynn and his family through Digital Soldiers Media LLC were selling Q' products. You noticed none of those shirts & hats he was selling online that had WWG1WGA didn't involve any D. Trump support or merchandise? Isn't he a part of the Q movement right?


The Psy(OPS) Network


Ali Alexander.

Nick Fuentas.

Leigh Dundas.

Roger Stone.

Alex Jones.

Stew Peters.

Michael Flynn.

Sidney Powell.

Patrick Byrne.


All of these people lead you no where. They all built up their audience and then did a 180. Do you see how interconnected this is? M. Flynn is apart of the old guard that is fighting for survival. Which is why he is doing these tours, books, films, interviews etc. He needs to stay out front and control the info and narrative about his image.


He is proof that no matter how far down the rabbit hole you go. Most will just end up on the other side of the planet with nothing but dirt to show for their trip.

Anonymous ID: d993b5 Oct. 28, 2023, 12:46 a.m. No.19816219   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6336


Qasem Soleimani 11 March 1957 – 3 January 2020


was an Iranian military officer who served in the Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC). From 1998 until his assassination in 2020, he was the commander of the Quds Force, an IRGC division primarily responsible for extraterritorial and clandestine military operations.


He is responsible for US Military deaths. He also wanted to destroy every US Base in the Middle East. He was a feared man across that region. When he was finally killed by American Forces it was a historical event for those who seen him as the source of the dark cloud over many Arabic regions.


I stated earlier that Donald Trump wanted to protect the land & people along with resources in Israel. But he did not favor those in the Israeli government or hold them in high regard. Why? Donald Trump was supposed to do a mission a covert operation to take out Qasem Soleimani in concert with the Israeli military.


The day before the operation the Israeli military pulled out and never explained why. Basically leaving the objective in limbo until a US General stepped up and told D. Trump we can still go through with the mission if you like sir. And ofcourse they did.


He was killed in a targeted air attack by the US Military at Baghdad's International Airport on January 3, 2020. He was traveling in a vehicle convoy with Iraqi militia commander, Abu Mahdi al-Muhandis, and they were both killed in a Hellfire missile strike that was authorized by President Trump. The Hellfire R9X "flying-samurai-sword weapon" that was used in the attack is a modified version of the Hellfire air-to-surface missile.


Why is this important? Because Bibi Netanyahu did not want to participate given his ties to Islamic Terrorists Groups that I am sure are CIA one being Hamas who were assaulting Israeli citizens to help create a faux story of these terrorists representing Palestinians.


Now doesn't this make sense when I told you all that when D. Trump says he stands with Israel it doesn't include the corrupt government. Because it has been proven that 97% of the Jews in that region are not by DNA. D. Trump knows this. So please do not be fooled by his stances on anything. You have to go deeper than that.


-D. Trump knows Bibi Netanyahu is behind 9/11.


-He knows he is behind the Hamas Terrorists Group.


-He knows he helped US Politicians gain dual citizenship with Israel.


-He knows US journalists are on Israeli payroll.


-He knows Laura Loomer is a Zionist Sleeper Cell.


This is why he is high lighting her at this time because she fits into the storyline being created when you think of the statement by Q'.


"We Are Saving Israel For Last"


Why? Because it will tie up every loose end where everyone will no longer be able to ride the fence and hide behind social politics to build their platform to ultimately betray their followers at the last moment.


Why do you think SOTH is playing out the way it is right now? You are watching an implosion of this entire process. Because none of the US Representatives can become SOTH due to their dual status as Israelis.


Remember we are no longer under the 1871 US Corp Act. Which means the SOTH will be chosen under "The New Republic". Remember I told you all Iraq is the 1st domino. Before that is initiated we have to clean house. Because the money coming into our US Treasury as a result of the IQD reinstatement on the Forex Market will help rebuild this nation.


Which is why "The Sting Operation" will kick into the next phase after the IQD goes International. This is when we will basically be under "The Gold Standard". You all have no idea how close your freedom is. You are watching this wrap up in real-time. We do not have to wait until 2024 for elections. Everything you want can start before the year is out.


D. Trump said… we can defeat Joe Biden and take our country back in less than five months weeks ago. Not on the 5th month. Please understand this. This had nothing to do with primaries. Because wouldn't he be late on his on promise if he had to wait five months to do something he said can be done in less?

Anonymous ID: d993b5 Oct. 28, 2023, 12:53 a.m. No.19816234   🗄️.is 🔗kun

i think i posted some good shit tonite anons

mostly from an X acct, prolotario1

not that i'm looking for praise, just doing an anon's work

it didn't take to long for operators to call me a namefag and a shill

ain't it funny that all the "sources" that are routinely notabled here are known to be comped

while RRN, EyeTheSpy, SorchaFaal, and now prolotario1 provoke an immediate triggered response intended to keep eyes off




over and out

Anonymous ID: d993b5 Oct. 28, 2023, 1:20 a.m. No.19816276   🗄️.is 🔗kun


>As the moon approaches the sun it's not visible is it? It should be backlit but it's totally invisible.

as a solar eclipse approaches, the FAR SIDE of the moon is lit by the sun, the NEAR SIDE is lit only by earthshine

which is the sunlight reflected off the earth back to the near side of the moon

this is a VERY dim light compared to the direct light of the sun

so it's totally expected that the moon cannot be seen with the naked eye as it approaches a solar eclipse

fucking DUH!