IS THIS TRUE Q??? Sacrifice cancelled? YEAH!
IS THIS TRUE Q??? Sacrifice cancelled? YEAH!
For the Germans:
Can't find a "serious" source and the iclcj site is down:
(Bandwidth Limit Exceeded)
Here in german AND here it is said "Ich war dort, ich sah alles. Mir wurde gesagt es seien Kinder der Jugendstrafanstalten Brüssels. Man lies sie nackt in den Wäldern davonlaufen. Dann jagte man sie und schoss sie nieder (in Oudergem, Belgien)." Engl: "I was there, I saw everything. I was told they were children of Brussels juvenile prisons. You let them run away naked in the woods. Then they were hunted and shot down (in Oudergem, Belgium)."
The hunt in the woods as Q mentioned before…
Lord in heaven please STOP IT NOW! In the name of JESUS please Stop it!
Like all psychopaths she doesn't smile, she makes a grimace instead
>I have some cardboard licence plates and a fee schedule to sell too
To understand well: That means itccs is scam?
Please Anons & Autists, be friendly to newbees as long as they (me) try to dig/help/ask.