This board has gotten to a point where opinion isn't just not heard, it's mocked. We are no longer a team. We no longer have a goal, or a timeframe. We have nothing. You can continue sitting pretty enjoying your job, and your savings, and pretending everything will be OK. But we sink closer to the end of everything, day by day. We lose God, more and more, every day. When does this end? When does the little man receive a reprieve? When does he receive your sympathy? Is he a casualty in your quest for truth? You claim to stand for something, but stand for, and by, nothing. You unhinged shills will mock this post for speaking the truth. The sad thing about the truth is it is never well received. I pray to God every day for my family to stop suffering. And as far as I can tell, there is no end in sight.
That was awful quick to reply.
I don't have student loans. Nor will I sit here and be mocked. I came to drop some truth. It's not worth it to me to be here anymore.
You've become what you despise.