He's dead or Galted
He's dead or Galted
Oh look, Gore Prone Guy activated. Ever wonder how fucked up someone would be if they stored these gore pron pic? We can scroll past them, they have to engage with them.
Gore pron guy, In a couple of days I will hand out candy and feel joy seeing the parents bring their creatively dressed kids to my house. I buy the coolest candy. These kids dress up and mock your stupid asses just as Patriots sung Yankee Doodle. So Happy Halloween and Yankee Doodle you losers
>>19820812 did I hit sore spot? You have nobody to love you. Nobody to be proud of you. Nobody to mis you when you are not around. Nobody to care if you are around.
Feel good though buddy, I would miss you if you were not around. Afterall, who would I have to laugh about?