Anonymous ID: 8fa560 Oct. 28, 2023, 8:30 p.m. No.19821708   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1791



just takes one baker off the game to make it bad

try to keep it up and collect notables missing but doar faggits didn't want 34 in notes cause Israel

that baker decided notables aren't important

entitled to opine but 34 was about Q+ and this is QR so they needed to be there and notables are important though we don't all agree on them

shrug but if collected they need to be baked and that was total FU to anon who collected, could not abide that either

we have form here and substance, bakers are responsible for keeping the form and collecting the substance

I just try to keep it up

but yeah, that was the baker who caught muh attention

sorry you got caught in the middle
