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Sponsored Content: Revolver News Gets the Inside Dirt on “Government Gangsters” From Powerhouse Author Kash Patel

October 27, 2023 (2 days ago)

Kash Patel isn’t just any political figure; he’s a force to be reckoned with. Here’s a man who climbed the ladder, dedicating himself to the nation as the chief of staff to the acting US secretary of defense under President Trump. Kash’s impressive resume includes roles at the National Security Council, the House of Representatives, and a stint where he fiercely defended the nation as a federal prosecutor on vitally important, high-stakes national security cases. And let’s not forget that Kash also stood as a beacon for our armed forces, working as their legal liaison.


Kash is, of course, best known for his heroic efforts to expose and thwart the Russiagate collusion hoax, a story documented in Lee Smith’s classic book Plot Against the President and in the hit film of the same name.


Needless to say, Kash is a trailblazer, consistently championing the “America First” agenda, dissecting and tackling current events, and unmasking the uni-party regime with precision that comes from a lifetime of experience.


Kash’s latest bit of service to the country comes in the form of a new book for concerned Americans titled “Government Gangsters.” In this book, Kash harnessed his insider knowledge to lay out a brilliant blueprint for reforming our disgraced government agencies and restoring power back to the people, where it belongs.


Kash took some time to talk to us about this exciting new book project.


Revolver: Kash, congratulations on all of your success and thank you for your hard work on behalf of the American people. Tell us about this book, Government Gangsters. What is it about, and how did it come to be?


Kash: Simply put, “Government Gangsters” provides a roadmap on how to destroy the Deep State. During my 16 years in government, be it in DOJ, DOD, the IC, or the White House, the one thing these institutions shared in common (irrespective of administration) was their failure to have internal accountability. It drove me to leave the DOJ, and then, fighting against the Russia Gate scam, it became evident that this deep state has been a creature of the Uniparty for decades. Once I left government at the end of the Trump administration, with so many national security successes, it encouraged me to put pen to paper, highlighting those who failed their oaths and providing solutions to remove the government gangsters from every agency or department. Yes, I name names. Of course, we’d have to take on their corrupt criminal conspirators in the fake news media as well. They huddled together to subvert a duly elected president out of spite. He did what they failed to accomplish for decades, and they hated him for it. So I went to work.


I didn’t want to write a treatise suffocating from typical D.C. government verbiage. We broke it down. After all, talking about securing our nation, protecting Americans, ending wars, defeating our enemies, and making sure we prosper are simple messages to discuss. We cleverly utilized those accomplishments to visualize “Government Gangsters”—from killing Baghdadi to rescuing hostages to ending the forever wars.


For parents, the message is simple: there are fantastic companies like Brave Books that provide educational material on everything from service to history to economics. We just have to provide these options to parents, most of whom agree with our beliefs but just don’t know where to go.


Revolver: Tell us about some of your current projects. What are some of the top priorities American patriots should focus on going into 2024?


My singular focus now is electing Donald Trump to become the next president. That encapsulates the entire movement. I want to secure our southern border, shut down the cartels, end the CCP fentanyl-poisoning our children, kill terrorists, bring home hostages, and end the forever wars—all the while shutting down the nuclear activities of Iran, global threats of the CCP, and cyber activities of Russia. It’s a large mission, but one we have succeeded in before, and America is now seeing a stark contrast to the disastrous tenure of Joe Biden.


Revolver: Finally, would you consider going back into government to finish the unfinished business in the event that Trump is elected to a second term?


It’s a great honor to serve, especially at the highest levels of government, and to put the Mission first. If President Trump were to offer me another leadership opportunity to do so, I’m ALL IN.