Anonymous ID: e863ee Oct. 29, 2023, 3:59 a.m. No.19823016   🗄️.is đź”—kun





Really a must watch for decodes concerning Disney and split persons.

At some point the kid gets split and one part is bonded to a "queen of Babylon". = Isis, dark mother, mother of darkness, Semiramis, whore of Babylon… . That Tinkerbell fairy dust?… What a split person says- I was shattered in a million pieces and scattered like fairy dust to the wind.

There's a mirror structure, the core of the kid is "the worm", and it is hooked to both Sleeping Beauty and Snow White, asleep.

Dr. Gina Phillips tells how/why the programmers split the kids. Q knows. We need this info. She leaves out the how of the pain, making an easier watch. Pic related.

Oh, and she says a "chicken" is a kid with new downy fluff below. Young.

They do it with entire classes of kids, at school.

Yeah, the white rabbit is in here, too. These programmers are so entirely evil, we will need all the prayers we can muster to clear the damage.


In Him, all things are possible.