A thought was given to me while praying/meditating:
Empaths and Psychopaths/Sociopaths are both semi-ultimate answers to the ultimate question, which manifests subconsciously:
I mean, given that all of the universe is God, and thus everything about this reality is a Holy Gift given by God, made from God, and is God, then we are confronted with two options are human beings:
There is no difference between you and I. What you feel, I feel. What you experience, I experience, because we are both facets of God experiencing Itself. We both equally don't exist in a true 'reality', and do exist because we are the thought of God.
That is the Empath answer.
There is no you; there is only I. This answer comes from a such an extreme sort of separation that one's experience never reaches outside of "themselves" and, thus, they can never actually prove that the living things around them actually exists, while themselves do. Thus, the things around them are not afforded the respect, dignity, and empathy offered by the first. Everything else is a figment of their imagination, (possibly as real as they are, so they feel no qualms with hurting something that believe doesn't truly exist).
This is the psychopath/sociopath route.