What's the connection between the PLO and Hamas?
Not all dead, but definitely moar deficient in freedom than current.
KEK. Seems like the retards are running the "Why are you removing my spam. Q said free speech."
Again, for the retards: 8kun is a free speech platform. Anyone can create a board and run it how they see fit. If you don't like how one board is made then create your own and surely people will flock to it for the truth like the did with QR. "But QR is 8kun." Truth was posted on QR, if you have truth create your board and they will flock to it, but everyone knows you won't, because even you know what you post is propagandic garbage.
I reject your absolute, One Post Wonder, and how you're trying to generate a consensus about board behavior.
You're replying to me again, idiot. Go dance your tard dance in my filter.
Then chase the mediocrity you crave. Filtered.
>Ah hyuk hyuk. He called us out so we'll just call him a shill. Ah hyuk hyuk. It's a flawless method of attack that he'll never be able to counter. Ah hyuk hyuk.
Wrong again, retard.
Remember when you used to be good at your job? I don't. Shill harder.
But I'm not a Fed. Remember that screenshot from a supposed sub-contractor that said the shills do not know what to do and the best tactic they ever came up with was accusing Anons of being shills?
I see you.
No, the undertone is unique. You are Tranimae.
>i love how easy you are to out
This song and dance again, huh? You exposed me? I'd have to be hiding or pretending to be something else to be exposed, moran.
>and i love how obsessed you are with that dude
Only when the idiot thinks he can take me on. 255's and 30's.
>i knew you never left
Yeah, no shit, I'm here all day every day. Because that's how serious I took my oath. Do you think you'll ever be good at your job again?
I only accuse shills of being shills. It's a no brainer.
That's why they call him Mister.
Someone seems mad that their spam is being removed. That's a terrible shame.