>Blue mustangs are some of my favorite hotwheels.
Cool story. Never played with those as a kid.
It's the HRN, not the little brittle furry fucker.
God bless every patriot in the field. There's an electricity in the air. Something heavy is coming.
They seem, do I dare say, a little panicked tonight. KEK
How many were you expecting?
Was I talking to you, scum? Off to the iso-filter until the next bread.
Your obsession with me is as retarded as you are. What narrative are you exposing that I'm posting for by stating comfy? Where did the regular spam that was here for years go and what replaced it?
Attack Jim W if and when possible, when that fails
Attack BO, when that fails
Attack BVs, when that fails
Attack Bakers, when that fails
Attack Anons, when that fails (you're stuck in a self destructive feedback loop here, please continue)
Return to top of list and repeat
>Nice copy pasta, glownigger.
Yeah, it is. That's why I copied it and change and add to it as I see fit when I post it, dipshit.
No, I'm not defending my personality. I'm mocking yours for trying to mimic mine in some sad excuse of a desperate psyop.
>Remember when he accused me of using AI?
You're too stupid to be AI. Definitely an NPC while LARPing from this angle though.